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docbook-tc message

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Subject: Re: Blessing DocBk XML?

Did we reach closure on this issue? I got the impression that
the response was basically positive, but should I proceed? If
so, I think the following would be in order:

1. Release 3.1.7 with an OASIS FPI,
2. Publish it on the OASIS website, and
3. Announce the "blessing" (OASIS may want to do a press release,
   but that's up to them AFAIC).

Thoughts? Comments? Would the chair like to call a vote? :-)

/ Norman Walsh <nwalsh@arbortext.com> was heard to say:
| Norbert has asked me to put my XML version of DocBook on the
| OASIS site.  Personally, I'm just fine with that, but it seems
| to me that we can't put it on the OASIS site without giving it
| some level of "blessing" by the TC. (Even if we don't, it's
| avialability on the site will give it some sort of de-facto
| blessing anyway.)
| I've never been inclined to attempt to get any sort of official
| status for my versions because we plan to harmonize towards XML
| in 5.0 anyway. But perhaps something "official" would be useful
| before that. Realizing that 5.0 is at least 14 months away gives
| me a little pause.


Norman Walsh <nwalsh@arbortext.com> | Growth for the sake of growth is
Principal Software Engineer         | the ideology of the cancer
Arbortext, Inc. (www.arbortext.com) | cell.--Edward Abbey
413.256.6985 Voice/FAX              | 

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