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docbook-tc message

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Subject: Re: [docbook-tc] Simplified DocBook

At 10:42 2003 12 19 -0700, Scott Hudson wrote:
>Hi Norm,
>according to the HTML 4.01 and XHTML 1.0,  should our caption be set to optional as well?

In DocBook, a "table" (as opposed to an "informaltable") is formal
and hence the title (aka caption) is required.  I suspect that's
why the caption is required in this case.

><!ELEMENT table
>     (caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, (tbody+|tr+))>
><!ELEMENT caption  %Inline;>
><!ELEMENT thead    (tr)+>
><!ELEMENT tfoot    (tr)+>
><!ELEMENT tbody    (tr)+>
><!ELEMENT colgroup (col)*>
><!ELEMENT col      EMPTY>
><!ELEMENT tr       (th|td)+>
><!ELEMENT th       %Flow;>
><!ELEMENT td       %Flow;>
><!ATTLIST table
>  summary     %Text;         #IMPLIED
>  width       %Length;       #IMPLIED
>  border      %Pixels;       #IMPLIED
>  frame       %TFrame;       #IMPLIED
>  rules       %TRules;       #IMPLIED
>  cellspacing %Length;       #IMPLIED
>  cellpadding %Length;       #IMPLIED
>  align       %TAlign;       #IMPLIED
>  bgcolor     %Color;        #IMPLIED
>  >
>In sdocbookv1.1CR1, we currently have:
><!ENTITY % tbl.table.mdl "((title , (mediaobject+ | tgroup+)) | (caption , (col* | colgroup*) , thead? , tfoot? , (tbody+ | tr+)))">
>Also, should we allow the same attribute values?

It sounds like you're referring to the caption attributes, but
you show the table attributes above, so I'll try to answer for both.

As far as I can tell, the only attribute we don't allow on caption
that HTML 4.01 does is align, and that's a styling issue which is
probably why Norm left it off.

It doesn't appear that sdocbook is missing any of the HTML table 
attributes you list above.


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