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Subject: Update DocBook website


Since I still can't have SVN access to the DocBook web pages, can you please
ask an administrator to grab


and update whatever directory on the OASIS server contains 


The zip file doesn't contain the top level directory, so it should be as simple
as "cd /docbook & unzip /tmp/docbook-website.zip".

Thanks, in advance.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | A life, admirable at first sight,
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | may have cost so much in imposed
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | liabilities, chores and
                                   | self-abasement, that, brilliant
                                   | though it appears, it cannot be
                                   | considered other than a failure.
                                   | Another, which seems to have
                                   | misfired, is in reality a
                                   | triumphant success, because it has
                                   | cost so little.--Henry De
                                   | Montherlant

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