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Subject: DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda:12 JUL 2023

DocBook Technical Committee Meeting Agenda: 12 JUL 2023


The DocBook Technical Committee will meet on Wed, : 12 JUL 2023
(11am PDT, 12noon MDT, 1pm CDT, 2pm EDT, and 8pm CET)

  1. Roll call
  2. Accept the minutes [1] of the previous meeting (07 FEB 2023).   

Next meeting: 09 AUG 2023

  1. Review of open action items

a.  Bob to fill out the "Request a Special Majority Vote to approve a Specification” form at OASIS

1.  The form asks for the address of a comment resolution log.  Since we did not receive any comments, there are no comment resolutions, so I'm not sure what to do there.  I can link to the docbook-tc message I sent indicating that there were no comments, for example.


PK> Since we already copied your email and installed it as the comment resolution log, you can use that link:

-  https://docs.oasis-open.org/docbook/docbook/v5.2/csd01/docbook-v5.2-csd01-comment-resolution-log.txt

2.  Since (apparently, there are no changes for the published Committee Specification Draft, then it is the "draft" here - you can just point to its location:



After the TC votes to approve the Committee Specification via the special majority vote, then we can publish the CS01.

The TC can then collect at least three "Statements of Use" and request a separate special majority ballot to submit the CS for consideration as an OASIS Standard, initiating a 60-day public review. After that (and handling any public review comments), the members of OASIS can approve it as an OASIS Standard.


Please review the TC Process:

- Approval of Committee specification: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process-2017-05-26/#committeeSpec

- Approval of an OASIS Standard: https://www.oasis-open.org/policies-guidelines/tc-process-2017-05-26/#OASISstandard


  1. Social media presence for DocBook

Purpose: To raise awareness of actions (votes, calls for information, etc.) 

a.       ACTION: announce CS01 when available


  1. Remaining items for v5.2 Committee Spec
    1. The permanent "Latest stage" URI will be:


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