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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: Use of “ and ” (fwd)

On Fri, Jan 28, 2000 at 09:05:22AM -0500, Norman Walsh wrote:
> / Jorge Godoy <godoy@conectiva.com.br> was heard to say:
> | Ok, but so it's a DocBook (or Jade/OpenJade) bug. 
> | I've sent this message to Norm in private before... 
> | DocBook (or Jade/OpenJade) should do this substitution when converting
> | to HTML. 
> Well, perhaps it's a Jade bug (although I'd rather blame the
> browsers myself), but it's got nothing to do with DocBook per
> se. There are a few ways to "fix" it:
> 1. Turn off 
>   (declare-characteristic preserve-sdata?
>     "UNREGISTERED::James Clark//Characteristic::preserve-sdata?" #f)
>    in your custom stylesheet. Alas, this will break &copy; and other
>    entities as well.

This is a problem... Breaking entities means having to fix them in the
custom stylesheet. If one entity is forgot, it might be difficult to
explain to users why it's happening.

> 2. Use <quote>phrase</quote> instead of &ldquo; and &rdquo;

It's not a quotation. I'd like to represent the double quotes. For
some languages the quotation marks are represented in different forms
(<< instead of " for example). 

> 3. Add <!ENTITY ldquo '"'> and <!ENTITY rdquo '"'> to your documents
>    or a customized version of DocBook.

That is, IMHO, the best approach. But, for TeX compatibility, I think
that <!entity ldquo "``"> and <!entity rdquo "''"> are the right

What about fixing it in DocBook by itself? At least for the HTML
version of DocBook.

Godoy.	<godoy@conectiva.com.br>               GPG Fingerprint
                                         851B B620 626D 2AD0 E783
"Ser poeta não é minha ambição,          E932 1330 BE6D A4A3 0625 
 é minha maneira de estar sozinho"
              - Fernando Pessoa.       Publicações @ Conectiva S.A. 

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