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Subject: Re: DOCBOOK: page numbers in TOC

Carlos Eduardo Selonke de Souza <cess@matrix.com.br> writes:

> 1. I am having  problems when trying to insert images (jpg) 
> I want to insert a jpg image in my sgml document. Here's my sgml document.
> <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN">
> <book>
>   <chapter>
>     <title>Figure Test</title>
>     <para>  
>       <figure float="0">
>         <title>Fig Test</title>
>         <graphic align=center  fileref="image001.jpg"></graphic>
>       </figure>
>     </para>
>   </chapter>
> </book>

As I've written in DocBook-HOWTO (http://metalab.unc.edu/godoy --- I
know there are _lots_ of English errors but I'm fixing them,
sorry. There's a Portuguese version too...) it's recommended that you
write this using mediaobject. It would be like this:

<figure id="identification">
   <title>Title for this figure</title>
         <imagedata fileref="images/file.eps" format="eps">
         <imagedata fileref="images/file.jpg" format="jpg">
         <phrase>Theres and example picture here.</phrase>
      <caption><para>Optional image description.</para></caption>

For picture centering I've had to tweak my stylesheet adding this:

(define ($graphic$ fileref 
		   #!optional (display #f) (format #f) (scale #f) (align #f))
  (let ((graphic-format (if format format ""))
	(graphic-scale  (if scale (/  (string->number scale) 100) 1))
	(graphic-align  (cond ((equal? align (normalize "center"))
			      ((equal? align (normalize "right"))
    (make external-graphic
      entity-system-id: (graphic-file fileref)
      notation-system-id: graphic-format
      scale: graphic-scale
      display?: #t
      display-alignment: 'center)))

> I use Norman DSSSL Stylesheets to get htlm and RTF versions. HTML works just
> fine and RTF too.
> But when I try to get the pdf version with pdftex I got the image bigger
> then the A4 page.
> How can I get the image inside the page in pdf versions?

It's related to your picture's size. You'll have to make the picture
in the correct size or use the scale attribute.

> 2. Getting cross references with pdftex.
> My foo.pdf have cross references, the only problem is that the cross references
> are inside a red box, like a html link. I saw some pdf files that also have
> cross references but there is no red box around them. The foo.pdf that Im
> sending with  the zip file have the references with the red box.
> I would like to know how I can get the cross references withou the red box.

I can't help you here but it's stylesheet related.

Hope it helps.
Godoy.	<godoy@conectiva.com.br> 

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