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Subject: Re: [DBX5] Is this a DocBook document?

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/ Tobias Reif <tobiasreif@pinkjuice.com> was heard to say:
| Processing tools such as validators need to be able to find out the
| main language of a document, so that they can know which schema(s)
| apply.

Another view is that schemas are "out of band" for validators. A
document can be validated (even successfully!:-) under many different

| The namespace plus a version attribute seems to be a possible solution.

Versioning is hard. I humbly point to some ongoing work in the TAG
on this subject: http://www.w3.org/2001/tag/doc/versioning.html

| So I propose that the next DocBook XML be in a namespace, and that
| each DBX document should have a required version attribute on it's
| root element, plus an optional profile attribute.

Putting DocBook in a namespace is a possibility. It's going to be
hugely backwards incompatible, though. It's not a step I'd want to
take lightly.

I have mixed feelings about a version attribute. There are lots of
DocBook documents that are valid under many different versions. If I
write a 4.2 document today and it's still valid under 4.3, what does
version=4.2 mean?

| Ideally this should be standardized on the XML level:
| 1.
| xmlns=""
| (exists)

That's putting DocBook in "no namespace". That's not quite the same as
xmlns="http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/"; or something like that.

| 2.
| xml:version=""
| (doesn't exist yet)
| especiall needed if the language is not version 1.0 or if the
| namespace name doesn't contain version info (eg is the same for all
| versions, which I prefer).

I don't think xml:version is very likely.

| 3.
| optional xml:profile=""
| (doesn't exist yet)
| Useful if a subset is used.

How does profile differ from version and namespace? What sorts of
values does it hold?

| Catalog entries could look like this:
| (SVG is used as example since it is namespaced, uses a version
| attribute, and also shows the requirement for specification of the
| profile attribute)
| <language
|    name="SVG"
|    ns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";
|    version="1.1">
|    <schemas>
|      <schema
|        official="yes"
|        schema-lang="DTD"
|        location="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"/>
|      <schema
|        official="no"
|        schema-lang="RNG"
|        location="http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/rng/svg11.rng"/>
|    </schemas>
| </language>

This looks more like a RDDL document than a catalog.

Catalogs suffer from the limitation that the resolver doesn't really
know why the resource is being retrieved, so simple URI comparison is
about all it can do.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>      | What is familiar is what we are
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | used to; and what we are used to
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is most difficult to 'Know'--that
                                   | is, to see as a problem; that is,
                                   | to see as strange, as distant, as
                                   | 'outside us'.--Nietzsche
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