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Subject: Re: [docbook] Few DocBook queries and DSSSL

linuxguy wrote:
> Hi, I'm not sure if these questions are appropriate in this forum. I'm pretty
> new to DocBook. I understood the concept well. I had a few questions.
> I'm trying to make a HTML -> DocBook converter. Basically, it will take an
> HTML file and try to generate DocBook content. I know it may sounds dumb but
> thats what I'm trying to make. So how do I bring structure ( DocBook ) to an
> unstructured document ( HTML )?

Try grouping, but use xslt, preferably xslt 2.0?

> While I was learning about the formatting of the DocBook content I came
> across DSSSL. I got many resources online but all of them have a very steep
> learning curve. Are there any simple books / online tuts that I may have
> missed?

Only one book,
Rather pricy.

Lots more on xslt, a couple on Xslt 2.0


Dave Pawson
XSLT, XSL-FO and Docbook FAQ

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