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Subject: Re: [dss] Groups - oasis-dss-1.0-profiles-pws-spec-wd-04.pdf uploaded

At 01:36 PM 10/8/2004 +0000, p.madsen@entrust.com wrote:
>The document oasis-dss-1.0-profiles-pws-spec-wd-04.pdf has been submitted 
>by Paul Madsen

A few comments -

  - Section 5, profile of Server Processing Rules, might be better as a 
section 3.3.

  - Section 3.1.3 implies that the client doesn't know which elements of 
the input XML document are signed.  This is different from core basic 
processing, in which the client specifies exactly what will be 
signed.  That difference needs to be explicitly spelled out in the 
Processing Rules section.

  - The <SignedInput> element could use more motivation, maybe in the Overview.

  - Are servers required to support any particular optional inputs within a 
<SignedInput>?  Or is that left to a higher-level profile?


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