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Subject: HHS and ebXML / ISO15000

What is going on here?  Are vendors taking over the standard selection process within HHS?
On Wednesday, HHS released for comment the health care interoperability standards; see http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2009/pdf/E9-1068.pdf . There are a lot of references to HL7 and IHE standards, but ebXML Registry was specifically dropped; see page 4 (3602).
Also - I believe HL7 has endorsed ebMS V3 - so this should be reflected in HHS too.
Can we make official comments back to HHS from ISO and OASIS?
Clearly with the number of European health organizations using ebXML messaging and Registry standards - HHS needs to be compatible with those partners systems - especially for delivery support to citizens overseas but also on basic information sharing levels - particularly for global epidemic and emergency management.
Thanks, DW

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