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Subject: ebCore Party Id Type for OASIS Standard ?


The ebCore Party Id Type specification (http://docs.oasis-open.org/ebcore/PartyIdType/v1.0/) is currently an OASIS CS. To promote its adoption in some initiatives I'm involved in, it could be useful to promote the specification to OASIS Standard.

A candidate OASIS Standard needs a number of statements of successful use. Since the ebCore specification is essentially a convention to set certain string values, it does not require anything special in a product. So any XML schema that has elements or attributes to encode party type can use it. The specification has examples for ebMS2, ebMS3, CPPA2, UBL, UN/CEFACT XML, SBDH, OAGIS and XBRL. Any product that supports such a schema can can support ebCore Party Id. Various other specifications, such as the OASIS BDX Location specification and some CEN workshop agreements (textile, e-invoicing), reference ebCore.

I would be interested in any feedback on this, on the TC mailing lists or privately to me. I would in particular be interested in hearing from member organizations that would want to submit a statement of successful use.

Cross posted to OASIS ebCore, ebXML Messaging, UBL and BDXR mailing lists, sorry for duplicates ..

Kind Regards,

Pim van der Eijk

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