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Subject: RE: [Fwd: Re: [ebxml-bp] BPSS 1.01 XML Schema element referencingwithid and name issue]

I had not picked up on Sacha referring to the 1.01 version.
It is something, then, that was covered by us during the interim, and we
should retain that approach going forward.
So it can be subsumed under the 1.01 to 1.1 issue resolution apparently.

Dale Moberg wrote:

>Sacha's example maybe shows why we should try to use the GUID/GUIDREF 
>technique consistently.
>I had not noticed that the technique had not been employed 
>Monica, should this be an Issue, rather than a topic?
mm1: I think if you look at v.1.1 this has been consistently applied for

the BusinessDocument and DocumentEnvelope, and the use of GUID and 
GUIDREF.  Sacha, are you trying to ask for some enforcement other than 
the use of the GUID/GUIDREF techniques between the BusinessDocument and 
DocumentEnvelope? Thanks.

"In BPSS XML Schema 1.01 the data type of the attribute businessDocument
of the element DocumentEnvelope is "simply" a xsd:string, which can have
any value. The businessDocumentIDRef on the other hand is a xsd:IDREF
data type and "must" point to a xsd:ID attribute within the XML
document. An attribute of type xsd:IDREF allows the parser to validate
if the value given in businessDocumentIDRef is available within the XML
document. The parser has no idea about businessDocument as it is "just"
a string and that will always be valid."

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