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Subject: Roberts 2/20/2004: Response from OASIS on Naming Rules [RSD]

Point|Use of OASIS recommended reference;

||Also relates to OASIS.ebBP/WI7-Versioning on RSD.
||Roberts Query to Eve Maler: 
||TC Process on File Naming OASIS: 
||Draft OASIS Filenaming Guidelines: 

OASIS defines a standard URI for namespaces. As we discussed in Monday's 
teleconference, the future BPSS technical specification and namespace 
should follow this convention. ebBP is still trying to understand if a 
URL to a particular location is used or a URN is used. The URL could be 
redirected to the location we needed it to be. Some recommendations have 
been made (outside of ebBP in OASIS) that one location should be used 
and that the latest version is always selected if that location is used. 
In draft OASIS file naming, the namespace and file name are the same, 
and conform to document file naming convention.

 From Martin Roberts: The two issues we need resolving, is what should 
an OASIS namespace look like - for example should be be versioned, 
should it be a
URN -urn:org.oasis-open:tcname:schemaname:version or URL - 

Therefore, we agree that we will support the namespace convention 
outlined by OASIS.  And, we are supportive of either URI or URN. Note, 
that the versioning also affects elements, fragments, etc. which we will 
address in Work Item 68 on Artifact Versioniong.

Martin or Kenji, if you have any updates or issues with the resolution 
or have received additional details from OASIS, please advise.


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