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Subject: [ebBP] 3/14/2004: WI 43-Name and NameID (Use of IDREF portion) [RSD]Proposal for Vote

Discussion|OASIS.ebBP.WI43-Name and NameID;
Point|Summary for consideration and vote;

The fifth Work Item for summary closure is:

Work Item 43 Name and NameID [Use of GUID and GUIDREF (Use of name 
and/or id for reference elements)]

Work Item Summary
In the BPSS Schema 1.01 and 1.1 elements can be reference either by 
their name or their ID (or GUID).
Seems one is redundant and ID's (GUIDs) normally used to reference other 
elements. Do GUID's help XML parsers?
Use of GUID and GUIDREF could lead to processing errors.  Identify or 
recommend if acceptable for CPPA or allow
them to also decide on this (for CPA negotiation). Given resolve, 
specify explicitly if the scope of global
uniqueness for GUIDREF.

Relates to WIs:
None identified.

Summary Resolve
a. Provide the capability for internal and external uniqueness of a BPSS 

Note: In meeting 8 March 2004, we discussed that both a NameID (allow 
late binding) and UUID (guaranteed to work and be pre-resolved) could be 
used but would add additional complexity. Therefore, we need to ensure 
we provide the capability to handle the use cases and minimize level of 
complexity. We need to be able to use the same Name with two IDs. One 
solution was to use an UUID and append to an IDREF. UUID is unique 
because it includes an IP address as part of its root. Globally unique 
in the context of the creator, per Yunker.  Nagahashi commented that an 
IDREF could be combined with identifiable BPSS instance. Does this meet 
the requirements for internally (local) and externally unique reference?

Open Items
v3.0: Revisit for the ProcessSpecification.

***Kenji Nagahashi/John Yunker: We are pending your comments on Roberts' 
proposal as discussed 8 March 2004 and verification this fits your us 

The ballot on this item will not be opened until I get an answer from 
Kenji/Martin/John Y. Thanks so please provide comment.


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