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Subject: Re: [ebxml-bp] [ebBP] 4/30/2004: Keeping the Momentum for v2.0 [RSD]


Thanks as ever for the excellent notes.  Sorry I was not
available for a much time as I'd have wished - given the
clash with the OAGi meeting at NIST and a project
meeting in NY.

However - I feel urged to comment on this piece in
your notes.

----- Original Message ----- >

In addition, we will have the following either tailored TC or special
> sessions over the next two weeks for:
>     * Conditionality of attributes: What attributes should be changed to
>       elements to allow for conditionality. What are the parameters for
>       conditionality (offshoot from our discussion on late binding and

This is *exactly* the ugly side-effect that I strongly cautioned we should
be avoiding.   This will cause havoc and chaos across the whole structure.

I understand member implementers need to have a "quick-fix" for their
time-to-perform issue, but then having this influence the entire schema,
and have to support this in-perpetua - is exactly what we do not need -
especially with attendent interoperability issues.  This can potentially
hamstring BPSS in one stroke.

The long term solution is a consistent context mechanism that works
seamlessly with elements and attributes.  We already have this
designed and detailed.  Obviously this requires a context aware
software component - and I understand that managers never
want anyone developing more code.  However - since the code
for this is already available as open source - there is no severe
development barrier here.

So in summary - context mechanism - good; re-wiring our entire
schema structure - not good.

Thanks, DW

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