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Subject: [ebBP] 5/2/2004: Summary Notes and Actions at OASIS Symposium F2F [RSD]

Discussion|OASIS.ebBP.Symposium F2F Summary Notes and Actions;
Point|Notes and Actions Recommended for Team Consideration;

Below is a brief summary related to the discussion, proposed actions and 
boundaries for v2.0 discussed in the OASIS Symposium F2F informal 
meeting on 28 April 2004. Note, we did have a quorum although this 
meeting was decided to be informal by the TC vote.

Establish clear functional role for ebBP for monitoring and for CPP 

    * Management of business collaboration: Key is to make explicit
      definitions on roles to allow for associations between roles (and
      their changes in a collaboration). Provide capability to
      effectively monitor business collaboration.
    * Packaging including CPA support : Makes the transition model
      explicit. Resolve use of Transition and onInitiation flag vs.
      deprecation of transition. Need to be able to handle loops, for
      example to support CPA negotiation.


    * Schema posted:
    * WI-43-66 update:
    * Agenda and other references:
    * WI-53 Tell proposal:
    * Informal TC meetings: Not yet posted by Kavi to email archives.
      Sent 2 May 2004 by Martin.
    * Tell UBAC overview: Not yet posted by Kavi to email archives.

Work item direction and recommendations:

    * WI-11 Packaging (Relates to 13, 19, 28, 47, 54, 69)
          o RECOMMENDATION: v2.0: Add BusinessStateLink to accommodate
            explicit transitions in order to alleviate reliance on
            ordering in BPSS instance. Provide a description in the
            technical specification that the collaboration is not
            executable and the fork has a different meaning at the
            business level.  Business states do not change; the
            apparatus of the pseudo states do. Support composability of
            MPC and BC in a CA to lay the groundwork for potential
            shared context in v3.0.  Make explicit definition on roles
            to allow association between roles.
          o RECOMMENDATION: v3.0: Investigate use of shared context to
            further accommodate MPC, recognizing that  sending messages
            alone for state alignment may be constraining and
            insufficient. Accommodate transitioning to MPC and BC in a
            CA (need to handle various combinations of  MPC and BC
            within a BC and the segmentation/visibility required).
            Coordinate with WS-CAF on possibility of shared context.
          o OPEN ITEM: Determine if From-To semantics are maintained or
            convert to source-target.
          o See posted schema.
    * WI-47 State of binary collaborations (Relates to 11, 13, 19, 28,
      54, 69)
          o Need to ensure that the collaboration starts are
            unambiguous. This can be handled using the expanded role and
            performs mechanisms, and with more detailed definition in
            the technical specification.
          o RECOMMENDATION: For v2.0:
                + Role binding and Performs need to be supported.
                  Quantify that a CA can transition to MPC or BC.
                + Place note that when you have multiple BC that is not
                  an InnerCollaboration, tools will be required to
                  choose or select those that need to be followed (and
                  may allow use of references in other specifications
                  such as CPPA). Leave it to CPPA how many CPP would be
                  required in this instance. Evaluate iteratively.
          o RECOMMENDATION: For v3.0: Understand business requirements
            for shared context.
    * WI-73 Decision content model
          o Content model was undefined in previous versions. See posted
            schema for v2.0 draft.
          o RECOMMENDATION: Provide a content model for Decision state
            that looks like a conditional expression.
          o RECOMMENDATION: Support a FROM state to multiple TO states.
    * WI-72 onInitiation (Relates to 47)
          o Subordinate BTAs to the Transition. This is acceptable as
            long as we maintain support for Req-Resp for BTA. Nesting
            need to be blocked to support processing simplicity. Same
            solution applies to Fork. See posted schema.
          o Handle states by:
                + Listing of states
                + References (via inclusion)
                + Transition
          o RECOMMENDATION for v2.0:
                + Transition is essential for looping. Retain.
                  Transition is still a pseudo state.]
                + Syntactically change the construct where you can have
                  a Start-Transition (with parent-child BTA) [from] to
                  Success-Failure [to]. This allows the blocking of
                  execution for processing simplicity.  Apply the same
                  premise to content model for Fork.
                + onInitiation is retained as defined. Indicate more
                  explicitly its use in the technical specification.
    * WI-23 Relevance of Attachments to Business Documents (Relates to
      25, 32)
          o Attachments may not be parser friendly, i.e. they are
            actually non-parsable formats (.gif, like a blob, for example).
          o The type metadata may be relevant not the instance. The BSI
            may recognize the metadata associated with Attachments
            (type) but will not interrogate the actual Attachment
            (instance and metadata).
                + For v2.0/3.0: Consider other attributes once further
                  clarification provided by Tell on difference between
                  an attachment and
                  an appendix (which may relate to his question on
                  validation): Cardinality, multiplicity, and
                  required/optional. May be able to use Documentation
                + For v2.0 ConditionExpression could support assistance
                  of recognition of the documents including attachments.
                  Add Attribute to call out business features (leaving
                  processing to CPPA).
          o OPEN ITEM: For v3.0, differentiate attachment from an
            appendix to the logical business document that may require
            validation and processing.
    * WI-74 isAuthorizationRequired
          o This QoS attribute is a hint to the BSI and likely will be
            delegated to an underlying directory service, for example.
          o RECOMMENDATION for v2.0:
                + Retain isAuthorization Required.
                + Provide authorization exception.
    * WI-43 Name and Name ID (Relates to 66)
          o Updated Nagahashi proposal with Solution 2 addendum (See
            reference provided above).
                + For v2.0: Set up a vote for Solution 2 amended and
                  allow for Other if any other option is preferred.
                  Notice given 4/30. Open 5/7. Close 5/14.
                + For v3.0: Open work item to quantify Service
                  definition for ebMS-CPA-ebBP alignment.
    * WI-53 TTP and Inner/Outer Collaboration (Relates to 55)
          o Establish potential attributes on TTP element for
            conditionality. This may also apply to other attributes that
            should be elements in the future.
                + For v2.0: Establish finite set of attributes,
                  constraints and conditionality for TTP. Lay groundwork
                  for other attribute-element
                  changes for v3.0.
                + For v3.0: Re-evaluate all relevant attributes for such
                  a transition. Moberg is working on first-pass on
                  schema changes.
          o OPEN ITEM: Review Tell proposal sent after the F2F ended:
            This will be discussed in calls 3 and 10 May 2004.
    * WI-26 Out of band communications (Relates to 45)
          o This complicates processing for ebMS and CPA. Need to
            understand if this out-of-band communication can occur, and
            if so parameters around it occurring.
                + For v2.0: This is not completely understood
                  particularly with the impact to ebMS-CPPA and for ebBP
                  state alignment. Clarify if we can provide a flag in
                  v2.0 (at a minimum) to acknowledge an out of band
                  process could occur). Determine if acceptance is
                  required. Default behavior is as specified today.
                + For v2.0/3.0: Need to gather more use cases. Query BT
                  on their original use case. Understand the side
                  effects. Need more inputs from Roberts, Tell and
                  Yunker. Understand relationship to NOF.
    * WI-36 NOF
          o Clarify if there are differences between NOF and
            AcceptAcknowledgement. Address if so in the specification.
            Do we need to be able to generate NOF.
          o RECOMMENDATION for vv2.0
                + Set up special session to further breach subject of NOF.
                + Nagahashi will get more information from usage by
                  RosettaNet that originally defined NOF.
    * WI-44 Whitespace constraints (Relates to 57)
          o Should we change xsd:string to use of NormalizedString with
            facets? David Webber had suggested applying constraints on
            the XML instance. Discussed by ebBP and CPPA teams.
          o RECOMMENDATION for v2.0: v2.0:
                + Leave the white space issue to implementation and
                  trigger a fault/exception. Don't use normalized string
                  nor the XML instance suggestion from Webber.
                + Put specific hints in the technical specification.

See supporting summary notes on other TC meetings with ebBP uploaded 2 
May 2004 (not yet posted by Kavi).

UBAC (Universal Business Agreements and Contracts) 

    * Relevance to ebBP v2.0 and v3.0:
          o Provide capability to support international eCommerce
          o Understand implications of dispatch and reach for eCommerce
          o Provide extensibility in business transaction patterns.
            UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce with Guide to
            Enactment, 1996, with additional article 5 bis as adopted in
          o United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International
            Sale of Goods (Vienna 1980) ("CISG")
          o A/CN.9/WG.IV/WP.90 - Possible future work on electronic
            commerce - Transfer of rights in tangible goods and other

          o Upload UBAC overview. Done 2 May 2004.
          o Provide summary notes on potential v2.0/v3.0 impacts.
          o Set up session on dispatch-reach.

Again, I would like to thank everyone that participated and contributed. 
I believe we have laid substantive groundwork on the schema and 
boundaries for v2.0. Once we have the draft ready I would suggest an 
editorial session (F2F or phone) to work through specification changes. 
I will post work item list this evening (Sunday). Thanks.

ACTIONS (for those who love detail):
4/28 TEAM: Establish definition of the role of UML activity diagrams in 
4/28 MARTIN: Talk to Anders about appendix for attachments, cc: Johannes 
4/28 MARTIN: Open Kavi vote for WI 43-66 to propose Solution 2 amended 
for vote and approval. NOTICE GIVEN 4/30. Open vote 5/7/2004. Close 
4/28 MARTIN: Open issue related to Service definition for ebMS-CPPA-ebBP 
alignment for v3.0. Ensure requirements understood by UBAC as well for v3.0.
4/28 MARTIN: Talk to Anders about what attributes required for TTP and 
other conditional elements (WI 55, 53). Provide the schema to Tell. He 
will provide an abstract class and diagram to describe.
4/28 NAGAHASHI (36): Get high-technology requirements for NOF (scope and 
4/28 MARTIN: Set up special ebBP call to talk about what attributes 
should be changed to elements to allow for conditionality.
4/28: MARTIN: Set up special ebBP to talk about Business Signals, NOF 
and exceptions.
*DONE 4/28: MARTIN: Upload reference to UNCITRAL and ICC guidelines to 
reference and understand. Relevant to business semantics in ebBP.
DONE 2 MAY 2004
*DONE 4/28: MARTIN: Upload the UBAC overview document to ebBP. DONE 2 
MAY 2004.
4/28: MARTIN: Open action item for Cyclone Commerce developers to 
provide inputs on what is missing from ebBP in order to support 
monitoring usage of BPSS (Moberg).
4/28: MARTIN: Set up final vote for WSDL support WI 12. NOTICE GIVEN 
4/30. Open vote 5/7. Close vote 5/14.
4/28: MARTIN: Set up final vote for White Space WI 44-57.  NOTICE GIVEN 
4/30. Open vote 5/7. Close vote 5/14.
*DONE 4/28: MARTIN: Send comparison to George Lee.  SENT 2 MAY 2004.
*DONE 4/28: MARTIN: Send ebBP meeting minutes to ebXML IIC (Kass). SENT 
2 MAY 2004.
4/28: MARTIN: Coordinate with Tell to provide summary notes to ebBP team 
on UBAC.


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