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Subject: ebBP 2/3/2005: Timing Functional Well-Formedness Rules

In Section 4.11, I would propose we move to and add a 
new section, Timing Parameters.  We can start with these guides:

    * If both are used, timeToAcknowlegeReceipt <
    * If the Acknowledgement Acceptance is not used, the time to perform
      MUST be equal or greater than timeToAcknowlegeReceipt.
    * If either or both of timeToAcknowlegeReceipt or
      timeToAcknowlegeAcceptance are used, the time to perform MUST be
      other than zero.
    * timeToAcknowlegeReceipt MUST be other than zero when
      non-repudiation of receipt is required.
    * The time to perform MUST be other than zero.

Please feel free to propose others or comment on these. Thanks.

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