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Subject: Fwd: Re: [ebxml-cppa-comment] Some Problem about CPP/A negotiation

My response below (MWS2:)

At 11:28 AM 5/28/2003 +0800, Antonio wrote:
Hello, Martin.
Thanks for your Response.
I still have some questions below( Q: )
MWS: At this stage of development, CPP/A is concerned only with information technology parameters and CPPA negotiation works only with the information technology parameters.  Negotiation on business information is a much more complex subject and we have not yet begun to address it.
Q: Can you tell me what kind of  "information technology parameters"  in the two parties are need to negotiate.
     For example, some elements or attributes in Company A(CPP) are need to negotiate with Company B(CPP).
     Therefore if they agree the same value, they will sign it (CPA is generated).
     (If you cna tell me the "pages" of the Speciffication are discussed these)

MWS2:  Anything defined in the CPPA specification might be negotiated.  The draft negotiation specification discusses the important parameters and the extent to which each is negotiable.

MWS:  The process of negotiation is described in the CPPA negotiation draft specification. Version .04, which you mention below, is still the current draft.  An update will be issued sometime in June.  Please feel free to ask specific questions on things you may not understand in the negotiation draft.
MWS:  the negotiation protocol is described in the CPPA negotiation draft.  We are not attempting to define or standardize a specific negotiation algorithm.  As long as the rules in the negotiation draft are followed, it should be  possible for each party to use a private algorithm.
Q: About the CPPA negotiation draft specification Version .04 --- 14 Negotiation Algorithm (page 59).
     This section is not finished or clearly. Could you release the new version to me, and let me understand it more clearly.

MWS2:  As I said above the negotiation algorithm section is only an introduction to the subject.  We do not plan to develop standardized negotiation algorithms.  See the first paragraph of the section and the indented NOTE that follows it.

      Sometimes I feel dejected at this  CPPA negotiation draft specification, because it seem easy to understand it and
      so difficult to understand  or use(develope) it.  @@|||

MWS2:  I'm sorry, but the draft negotiation specification is indeed unfinished.  If you have specific questions about things you do  not understand, please ask them.  That will guide team in making the necessary improvements.

      Therefore if you call me how to do when I want to develope a CPP/A system.
       Or which pages is must need to study?

MWS2:  You can develop a CPP/A system without standardized negotiation.  You need to study everything in the CPPA specification. If you want to implement negotiation, then you must study everything in the draft negotiation specification. You must also understand the difference between negotiation protocol  (the rules for the exchange of negotiation messages) and a negotiation algorithm.  The negotiation algorithm is the private computation that takes place inside each party to evaluate an offer and decide whether to accept, reject, or propose changes. We will not be specifying a negotiation algorithm in version 1.

MWS:  The best way to understand CPP/A is through the first few sections of the CPPA specification.  Negotiation and negotiation algorithms have been extensively studied for 100 years or more. There are many papers in the scientific literature.  Here are just a few:
Q: Thanks for your Suggestion.

Best Regard.
Antonio Hsu

Antonio Hsu
Institute of Information Management, CYCU
Email: antony65@mis.cycu.edu.tw

Martin Sachs
standards architect
Cyclone Commerce

Martin Sachs
standards architect
Cyclone Commerce

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