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ebxml-cppa-negot message

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Subject: [ebxml-cppa-negot] Negotiation BPSS and CPA


I'm attaching the BPSS and CPA for the negotation business process
as described in Brian's document. PLease let me know if there
any issues with the process as described in the BPSS instance.

I'd like to bring up 2 issues which I encountered while desiging the
bpss instance

1) Why do we need fromRole, fromRoleIdref, toRole, toRoleidRef
on a "CollaborationActivity:". These are already described
in the "BinaryCollaboration" which has "initiatingRole" attribute.
At the least attributes have to match. <fromRole> = <initiatingRole>
and <toRole> is the Other <Role> in the BinaryCollaboration.

2) Assumption is when using nested collaborations,
CollaborationActivity within a  BinaryCollaboration, the roles match.

Initiator Role of the BinaryCollaboration matches with the
Initiating Role of the CollaboratiionActivity. This may not
be necessarily true. Taking negotation bpss as example,
initiatingRole of the main collaboration is the "negotiation initiator"
but the initiator of the collaborationActivity is the
"negotiation counter offer initiator" which corresponds to
"negotiation responder".
This separation can be achieved using CPA
by making sure that party implementing the Collaboration Role
"Negotiation Initiator" does not implement Collaboration Role
"Negotiation Counter offer initiator"but only implements
"Negotiation Counter offer responder".

What would be helpful is a flag on collaborationActivity to say that
roles are reversed.



Attachment: CPA_Negotiation_CPA.xml
Description: text/xml

Attachment: CPA_Negotiation_BPSS.xml
Description: text/xml

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