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Subject: Re: 1.0 Questions


I have embedded responses to some of your questions below.  I assume that
others will also reply.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

Himagiri Mukkamala <himagiri@sybase.com> on 08/22/2001 01:25:17 PM

To:   "ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org" <ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org>
Subject:  1.0 Questions

1) How could you request a Delivery Receipt signed/unsigned
using CPA as the governing document for messaging

2) In Delivery Channel characteristics, you can only request for a
Acknowledgment by specifying the nonrepudationofreceipt attribute.
There is no way to request unsigned acknowledgment

3) end point types is an enumeration of "login, "request", "response",
"error" and "allPurpose".

IS the assumption that these are MSH level request, responses rather
than business level characteristics.

MWS:  These are business-level endpoint types.  As far as the MSH is
concerned, they are simply application-level messages.

Say a MSH needs to send a regular message to trading partner,

    A ---->  B

    A looks up Bs' party info from the CPA and uses the "request"

    ON receiving the msg if B wants to validate the endpoint. He looks
up his party info to find out the "request" endpoint and makes sure they
both are the same.

    Is this a correct assumption???

MWS:  I'm not sure that the endpoint types are useful for authorization
purposes.  We need to do a lot more work on authorization but I assume
that it will involve certificates at a minimum.

    If so!    When exactly do you use the "response' endpoint??

MWS:  The response endpoint would be used for sending a business-level
response to a message.

4) What are the endpoints used for Ping, Pong, StatusRequest,
StatusRepsonse, DeliveryReceipt, Acknowledgment, MessageError
Ping -> "request"?
Pong -> "response"?
StatusRequest -> "request"?
StatusResponse -> "response"?
Acknowledgement -> "response"?
DeliveryReceipt -> "response"?
MessageError (ErrorList)-> "error"?

MWS: Any of the above which are application-defined may be associated
with whatever endpoints the business wants to use.  The ones you suggest
are one possibility.  Signals and MSH to MSH messages are outside the
scope of the CPA.  Addressing of those messages should be defined in
the Message Service specification.

5) If using "request" to send business "request" messages, then MSH
needs to know whether an incoming message is a business level "request"
message. WHich I don't think is in MSH domain. So going back to question
3, can someone give an use case of how a MSH would use request, response

MWS:  Again, the endpoint types are not the concern of the MSH.  The MSH
only has to distinguish between messages intended for itself (the signals
any Message-Service-defined messages) and messages intended for the


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