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Subject: RE: from and to role proposal

Looks OK.

Couldn't you do the same thing without any changes?

			<eb:PartyId type="Role">fromRole</eb:PartyId>


David Fischer
Drummond Group.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris.Ferris@Sun.COM [mailto:Chris.Ferris@Sun.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2001 8:05 PM
To: ebXML Msg; ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: from and to role proposal


Following on today's discussion, and in light of the fact
that Arvola has identified a concern with regards to
mapping RNIF2.0 onto the ebXML Message Service,
I would propose that we add a Role element as a child of the
MessageHeader/To and MessageHeader/From elements respectively.

The value of the Role element is the value of the corresponding
toAuthorizedRole and fromAuthorizedRole attributes of the
BusinessTransactionActivity element of the BPSS that is
identified/referenced by either the RequestingBusinessActivity or
RespondingBusinessActivity element of the BPSS as appropriate.

It should probably be modelled similarly to the Action element


The XSD for this change would look like the following:

	<element name="Role" type="tns:non-empty-string"/>
	<element name="To">
				<element ref="tns:PartyId" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
				<element ref="tns:Role" minOccurs="0"/>
	<element name="From">
				<element ref="tns:PartyId" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
				<element ref="tns:Role" minOccurs="0"/>

I've made it optional for starters. We can agree on whether or not to make it
REQUIRED. I think that it should probably be optional as there may be cases
where it is not needed.

As to spec language, I propose the following changes:
to line 696 add the following:

	... The From and To elements MAY also contain zero or one Role child
	element that, if present, SHALL follow the last PartyId child element.

Following line 722, add a new section entitled Role element that has the

8.4.x Role element

The Role element identifies the authorizedRole of the Party that is
sending (when present as a child of the From element) and/or receiving
(when present as a child of the To element) the message. The value of
the Role element is a non-empty string which is specified in the CPA.

[ED NOTE: do we need to be more specific as regards to exactly where
this value is sourced?]


Of course, we would need to revise the relevant example fragments
to include a Role element(s) accordingly.



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