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ebxml-cppa message

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Subject: Re: Draft attached this time. RE: [ebxml-cppa] Proposed schemachanges, plus illustrative example

 I am somewhat confused by the element hierarchy you are using here, with
TrustAnchor, SecurityPolicy, and AuthenticationCredential as children
elements of SecurityDetails. In the ebXML Technical Architecture Security
document, the SecurityPolicy element is the parent of TrustAnchors,
Profiles, WillUse, and WillAccept.

 Why are you defining a complex type as opposed to another element that can
be referenced, in place of CertificateRef? If you really want to define a
complexType, can you explicitly name this type?

 Why are you showing the attribute certId here? Since you are referencing
another top-level element, I don’t think you need to explicitly identify the
attributes of the referenced element.

 Similar comment to [a3].

 If you add a keypairUsage attribute to CertificateRef, you would not be
imposing any constraint on the expected value of this attribute, to
correspond to the context where the CertificateRef element is used. Since
you have defined a complex type that encompasses CertificateRef and
SecurityRef, is it possible to name subelements under CollaborationRole,
TransportSecurity, NonRepudiation, and DocumentEnvelope that are of this
complex type in such a way that the key usage information is conveyed in the
element name?

 This assumes that the possible values of keypairUsage are enumerated.

 This conflicts with the assumption that keypairUsage values are enumerated.

 It is possible to name the element in such a way that the multiple keypair
usages at an existing CertificateRef location is conveyed.

 The ebXML Technical Architecture Security paper proposes a TrustAnchors
element but not a TrustAnchor element. Your proposal is the other way round.

 Need both ClientSide and ServerSide certificates.

 Would this be redundant? Is the CertificateRef under NonRepudiation already
used for this purpose?

 Hasn’t this been mentioned earlier? Why is this an addition?

-----Original Message-----
From: Dale Moberg <dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com>
To: Arvola Chan <arvola@tibco.com>; ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
Date: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 8:17 AM
Subject: Draft attached this time. RE: [ebxml-cppa] Proposed schema changes,
plus illustrative example

Omitted in reply

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