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Subject: RE: [ebxml-cppa] SMTP Needs "to" and "from" e-mail addresses

Comments in line.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin W Sachs [mailto:mwsachs@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 4:03 PM
To: Dale Moberg
Cc: Robert D Kearney; ebxml-cppa
Subject: RE: [ebxml-cppa] SMTP Needs "to" and "from" e-mail addresses

It seems to me that the SMTP "from" address is local deployment
that is of no use to the other party, so there is no need to put it in
CPP or CPA. In other words, your alternative "from an installation
is the right answer.

Dale> I disagree that there is _no_ use, but it is a small usage
that crops up in the security area.

When using SMIME signature techniques and SMTP transport, a common
controversy is what to do when a "from" value does not match an email
address contained in the signing certificate. Some wish to ignore the
discrepancy, some wish to have a warning, and some wish to reject the
message as failing authentication. I would imagine the same kind of
issue would impact XMLDsig-- at least the conditions for conflict
("from" header and certificate attribute) are present. So I think
that the "from" information, while not pivotal information, like
the "mailto" URL would be, is nevertheless involved in the
interface, in the security aspect of that interface. So an agreement may
be needed on what "from" value is to be used. I agree that we still have
no clean and sharp basis for distinguishing purely
local deployment configuration information from
that information impacting interoperable interfacing
at the messaging level, and so we always have to handle it
on a case by case basis. I think that the "from" info could
need an agreement. I also think the earlier point that ebXML Messaging
requires using "from" headers makes it eligible for CPPA inclusion

I might also note that the SMTP "from" address is not necessarily the
email address that the party uses for receiving messages (the one that
in its delivery channel), so the original question is equally valid for
SMTP in both directions.

Dale> I agree, though, in practice a good guess would be to use the To
in the mailto URL as the value for "from" (unless told otherwise by
direct data entry,



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

Dale Moberg <dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com> on 01/02/2002 05:14:20 PM

To:    Robert D Kearney/Watson/IBM@IBMUS, ebxml-cppa
Subject:    RE: [ebxml-cppa] SMTP Needs "to" and "from" e-mail addresses

Hmmh. If there is a missing "from" address in the
CPA (such as in your case of SMTP one way, and
HTTP back), then the CPA could not be used to
populate that required informational item.

The "from" element is, of course, a 'sending'
feature rather than a 'receiving' feature in
a delivery channel, and the original
goal had been to focus on defining channels
by receiving characteristics only. This has
not worked out too well, and this could be
another gap.

Currently, the sending software would have to figure out
a way to get this value (from a user wizard, from
an installation value, from a certificate's field, from
an alternative PartyId that happened to have
rfc821 addresses, and so on. Do you think we
should fix this? Where would be a good place
to stick the info? Under the SendingProtocol
element? Someplace better occur to you?


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert D Kearney [mailto:firefly@us.ibm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 3:00 PM
To: ebxml-cppa
Subject: [ebxml-cppa] SMTP Needs "to" and "from" e-mail addresses

The CPP/A document describes an Endpoint element for SMTP containing an
e-mail address (page 38?).  According to the Messaging Specifications,
bXML over SMTP requires both "to" and "from" lines in the SMTP header.
is not clear from the description that if the sending protocol is SMTP,
that there has to be a "from" e-mail address somewhere in the CPA.  In
fact, if one direction is SMTP and the other is HTTP, I don't see that
there is a place for two e-mail addresses.  Can someone clarify what
happens in this case?

Bob Kearney

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