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ebxml-cppa message

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Subject: Re: [ebxml-cppa] Party Details

Dale Moberg wrote:

> "<tp:PartyRef tp:format="eCo.dtd"
> xlink:href="http://CompanyA.com/CompanyAeCo.xml"/>
> "The format attribute could be enumerated types of known XML based
> information to allow another application to recognize and parse it as
> such.

As far as I know,  there are no formal identifiers for XML Party/Address
Definitions, however XML allows us to declare that the XML Fragment
retrievable from the remote address be considered to be associated with
a specific namespace (I am being a bit liberal).


<tp:PartyRef tp:format="eCo.dtd"

If we use the namepsace associated with the version of the XML details,
this can be arbitrarily used pending more formal definitions (or William
Kammerer's email :0 )  The problem is that not all XML party detail
formats have namespaces that are formalized.

I also see that we don't necessarily need these definitions to be
formalized as long as we can carry the semantic description in the
Schema (ie "if the type is XaL, it shall be capable of being validated
using the DTD from the OASIS extensible Address Language Technical

Perhaps we could even point at our own ebXML Core Components Party
Definition Schema (when and if it ever gets published).  This is an
interesting approach along the lines of "eating our own dog food".

IMHO - any of these are better than unstructured HTML.

Lets' just chose one and go with it for now.


CTO, XML Global Technologies
Transformation - http://www.xmlglobal.com/prod/foundation/
ebXML Central - http://www.xmlglobal.com/prod/central/

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