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Subject: Re: [ebxml-cppa] Re: CPA Expiration

The CPA start and elements are not satisfactory with regard to certificate
expiration because using them would require manually setting the end date
to match the certificate expiration date. A better idea would be to add an
element or attribute that specifies that the first certificate to expire
also expires the CPA.  Values could be yes and no.  This proposal might be
a bit extreme since there are multiple certificates for different purposes.
However I doubt that we want to get into expiring the CPA piecemeal even if
we could figure out how to specify that.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

Arvola Chan <arvola@tibco.com> on 01/27/2002 12:35:33 PM

To:    Dale Moberg <dmoberg@cyclonecommerce.com>,
Subject:    [ebxml-cppa] Re: CPA Expiration


>We _might_ point out that it is
>advisable to expire the CPA (do we expire CPPs? CPA templates?
>I don't think we do yet. A CPA template might include a validity period,
>but does it mean the propsed CPA validity or the CPA template validity?)
>when the essential certificates expire ( or at
>the earliest expiration date of the referenced or included
>essential certificates).

There are already Start and End sub-elements under the
CollaborationProtocolAgreement element to indicate the CPA's validity

I agree with you that issue 9 can be closed and that we should

>replace it by a new issue devoted to reaching consensus
>on what needs to be said about CPA expiration and certificate
>expiration when certificates are included.


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