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Subject: [ebxml-cppa] New issue: Rename or restructureBusinessProcessCharacteristics

Title: New issue: Rename or restructure BusinessProcessCharacteristics

I would like to submit a new issue:

Target Version:

The name of the BusinessProcessCharacteristics element (//PartyInfo[]/DeliveryChannel/BusinessProcessCharacteristics) is a misnomer since it is really specifying business transaction characteristics.  A DeliveryChannel instance is associated with a DocExchange instance; DocExchanges are about business transactions.  Also, many of the attributes of the BusinessProcessCharacteristics elements apply to business transactions and not to the business process.

Change name of BusinessProcessCharactertics to BusinessTransactionCharacteristics or add a BusinessTransactionCharacteristics (or just "BusinessTransaction") element to BusinessProcessCharacteristics and move the business transaction attributes from BusinessProcessCharacteristics to this new element.

Best regards,
Brian Hayes
Commerce One Labs,  +1 (925) 520-4498

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