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Subject: Re: Web Services - EAI or B2B? (Was RE: [ebxml-cppa] BPSS to WSDL mapping)

From: Cory Casanave
> Aaaarrrrggggg!
> I have to violently disagree!
> There is no reason the same architecture and technologies can't be
used for
> B2B and EIA.

I think it's like network/distributed vs LAN, though.
You could take a B2B framework and use it internally,
but not necessarily vice versa.  Or you could take
a framework designed from the start to be used both
ways and do so.  But you can't necessarily take
for example an inventory system that assumes
everything is owned by "our enterprise" and
use it as a virtual inventory system covering
many companies across a value system.

E.g. there is a reason that IBM's San Francisco project
(objects for internal business systems) failed on the Web.
Or probably lots of reasons.

-Bob Haugen

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