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Subject: RE: [ebxml-cppa] ds:Reference element under theProcessSpecificationelement in the CPP/A schema

Would we then explicitly reference the Included elements
within the Reference section?
Should we add a note to the text to clarify why the
unbounded cardinality is needed? I think this is needed
to call attention to what is expected or allowed in terms of
References to the BPSS documents.

-----Original Message-----
From: Arvola Chan [mailto:arvola@tibco.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2002 9:41 AM
To: Ebxml-Cppa@Lists. Oasis-Open. Org
Subject: [ebxml-cppa] ds:Reference element under the
ProcessSpecificationelement in the CPP/A schema

The ProcessSpecification element in the CPP/A schema contains zero or
ds:Reference element that is intended to provide a digest for the
business process specification (for the purpose of detecting if the
has been modified) in case the CPP/CPA is to be signed.

On reading the ebBPSS1.03.xsd, I realize that one ProcessSpecification
element in the BPSS schema can include zero or more other
ProcessSpecification by reference either directly or directly: directly
because the ProcessSpecification element can have 0 or more Include
elements; indirectly because the ProcessSpecification element can have a
Package element which in turn can have 0 or more Include elements.

I don't think it is sufficient for the CPP/A ProcessSpecification
element to
have only 0 or 1 ds:Reference element. The cardinality should probably
changed to "unbounded", to allow for the inclusion of digests for all
ProcessSpecifications that may be referenced directly or indirectly.


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