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Subject: [ebxml-cppa] Hofman 9/9/2002: Draft paper from Choreology onTransaction Management in ebXML

The BCP Specification is working to define a communications reference
model and the common business communications protocol for BPSS (BCP
model scope recognizes the three UMM layers -
collaboration/requirements, transaction and service).  The Collaboration
Communication Reference Model specifically defines the behaviour that
should occur within the application and session layers of business
processes.  Our current task is to create a detailed state machine that
can be represented in multiple state diagrams (hierarchical state
machines).  Query me offline for more details.
Thank you.
Monica J. Martin
Program Manager
Drake Certivo, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hofman, Wout (NL - Diemen) [mailto:WHofman@deloitte.nl]
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 1:10 AM
To: 'Tony Fletcher'; BCPS (list) ; BPSS List Ebtwg; Ebxml-Cppa List
Cc: Arch UeB list; BCP&MC (list); Naujok, Klaus-Dieter (TMG); ebXML
CPP/A BTP List; Hansell, Hans Armfelt; Nickull, Duane (ebXML); Un-Tmwg
Subject: RE: Draft paper from Choreology on Transaction Management in
ebXM L

This paper looks very interesting. Could someone inform me of the
status? I would propose that we move to a higher level of transaction,
e.g. business transactions. Business transaction processing also should
abide the ACID rules of (database) transactions, but there is one
difference. Resources in business transactions are for instance
production means (machines, trucks, balance, etc.) and humans.
Therefore, I have the opinion that business transactions are aimed to
attune the utilization of resources in different organizations. To me it
would be possible to define standard protocols for business
transactions, since trade between organizations seems to abide certain
patterns. Furthermore, these patterns seem also applicable to business
transactions with governmental institutions, e.g. customs.

Is it worthwhile to investigate these matters further? I am currently
putting them on paper (unfortunately in Dutch), but the basic concepts
can be easily translated.

Wout Hofman 

	 -----Original Message----- 
From:   Tony Fletcher [  <mailto:tony_fletcher@btopenworld.com>
Sent:   donderdag 5 september 2002 23:43 
To:     BCPS (list) ; BPSS List Ebtwg; Ebxml-Cppa List 
Cc:     Arch UeB list; BCP&MC (list); Naujok, Klaus-Dieter (TMG); ebXML
CPP/A BTP List; Hansell, Hans Armfelt; Nickull, Duane (ebXML); Un-Tmwg

	Subject:        Draft paper from Choreology on Transaction
Management in ebXML 

	 << Message: Untitled Attachment >>  << File:
2002-09-05_ebXML_Transaction_Management.doc >> 

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