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Subject: [ebxml-cppa] Action item regarding TC comment on IBM claims

    Our CPPA TC voting meetings normally occur on the second Tuesday of the month -- in this case 11 October.   We are now in the month-long voting period for OASIS member approval of the CPPA 2.0 specification.  If the TC is going to comment in any way on the IBM patent claims that intervened after approval of v.1.0, during our work on v.2.0, the time to do so meaningfully would be now. 

    We first advanced the 2.0 standard by TC vote in April, quite soon after IBM announced (in March 2002) its claims (dating back to filings in late 2000 or early 2001).  A fairly large number of ebXML participants were concerned by the claims, in view of what all assumed was a claim-free donation at the time of ebXML plenary approval.   EbXML's coordinating committee negotiated a revised IPR claim statement with IBM at the time, and we voted unanimously to advance the work, after discussing and confirming that we would later be able to address the IPR issue.  (See, for example, 

    In order to reach a comfort level for broad consensus prior to voting, we discussed the need to adopt some kind of statement to indicate TC awareness of user community issues with IPR claims against CPPA, and appropriate disclaimers regarding the state of those claims.   I circulated a rough draft on 6/20, in http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/ebxml-cppa/200206/msg00036.html.  A modified version is repeated below.   I have updated the dates and softened the text.   As we discussed then, it seemed better to wait a few months to see how the situation progressed, and return to this issue when the OASIS vote opened.  

    That time has arrived.  Since May, some developers have stopped work due to uncertainty over the rights.  EbXML's JCC is seeking further clarification from IBM this month about written license requirements, derivative works and open source issues.   I think a statement of this kind is still advisable.  I do not wish users to infer from TC or OASIS approval either that our participants concede the patent claims -- or that we are blind to the obstacles that IPR complexity creates for SMEs and nonprofit developers.   In view of the detailed ebXML discussions about SOAP in January 2001, personally I am not certain that CPPA 1.0 would have been adopted, if the then-existing but undisclosed IPR claims were known.  Please note that this is without regard for who holds the claim: ebXML's initial requirements dictated encumbrance-free technology.

    I will move that the TC adopt the statement below, at its next voting meeting.   I do not feel strongly about the exact text, and welcome suggestions to improve it.   We can certainly discuss it at tomorrow's (4 October) nonvoting meeting if desired.  

Best regards   Jamie Clark

~ James Bryce Clark
~ Chair, American Bar Association Business Law Subcommittee on E-Commerce
~ 1 310 293 6739  jbc@lawyer.com


The ebXML CPPA Technical Committee unanimously approved its 2.[0] specification for submission to the OASIS membership as a candidate standard.   We have no reservations regarding the substantive technical quality of the work.  However, in the midst of our own review process, we received an unexpected IPR declaration of patent claims made by IBM in March 2002.  Substantial public reactions and several rounds of discussion followed.  IBM issued and posted an improved revised declaration on May 16, 2002, and in response to further questions, provided supplemental explanatory text on May 30th.

We have made significant progress in discussions with IBM and the ebXML community, with effective assistance from OASIS staff.   Ultimately we voted unanimously on May 31 to advance the specification, based on our assessment that the issues raised by the claims are being negotiated appropriately, and that IBM is working with OASIS in good faith to attempt to define final terms satisfactory for the broad user community intended for ebXML.  However, not all of the issues are yet resolved.  Our vote to advance the standard does not imply an evaluation of IBM's claims, nor an endorsement or guarantee of the commercial suitability of the eventual IPR terms.  

The TC is concerned about several aspects of the May 2002 IPR declarations.    Earlier disclosure of the claims, which existed during the phase 1 ebXML work but were not disclosed until after its approval, might have permitted easier resolution.  The May 2002 declarations retain a written license application requirement (which is not always included in similar circumstances), and do not permit development of derivative works from the specification.  These strictures have caused several current significant open source development efforts to postpone work, and may impair ebXML toolmaking generally.  EbXML's original requirements focused on wide deployment and SME needs, and sought to create freely available and unencumbered technologies.  We recommend that OASIS review the suitability of encumbered standards, types of implementation licenses, and requirements for timely claim disclosure, in standards such as ebXML that are intended for wide public adoption.



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