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ebxml-cppa message

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Subject: RE: Alignment with CPA 2.0 Specification

Hi Martin,

I raised your message as an issue for discussion during our May 9 CPPA
teleconference, and the consensus there was that BPSS and CPPA are in
danger of failing to be even loosely aligned, if some currently
advocated positions are adopted in detail. Loose alignment is violated
when one ebXML specification mandates functionality on the part of
another specification that is not even optionally present in that
interdependent specification, or when one specification precludes
functionality mandatory for another specification to work. If
BinaryCollaboration is jettisoned from BPSS, BPSS is precluded from
working with CPPA. Therefore even being "loosely aligned" will be
seriously jeopardized. This is not a "backwards compatibility" issue,
but is a major incompatibility introduced into the conceptual basis that
we have built upon when connecting BP specifications with configuration
of runtime software (CPPA and Messaging).

We did not discuss the other points of contact, but agree that these are

Dale Moberg

-----Original Message-----
From: martin.me.roberts@bt.com [mailto:martin.me.roberts@bt.com] 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2003 7:00 AM
Subject: Alignment with CPA 2.0 Specification

I have spent a little time looking at the CPA 2.0 XML definitions and it
is clear that there are more points of contact with the BPSS 1.05 that
just the issue of Role.  The CPA allows for overiding of default BPSS
BusinessTransaction and BusinessTransactionActivity parameters such as
isTamperproof and TimeToPerform.  Some of the CPA 1.0 use enumerations
that are in the 1,05 specification and not in the 1.0 spec.

I would like to understand what the position on the ebXML objectives of
a set of loosely coupled but highly aligned specifications is.  I feel
that it is important to see this principle preserved for BPSS 1.1 at
least and then discuss a new base line for a new set of specs based
around changes to the underlying concepts.

Martin Roberts 
xml designer, 
BT Exact
e-mail: martin.me.roberts@bt.com 
tel: +44(0) 1473 609785  clickdial
fax: +44(0) 1473 609834
Intranet Site :http://twiki.btlabs.bt.co.uk/twiki

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