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Subject: Public announcement concerning Constraints and Capabilities workshop


If TC members would like to suggest some position to express
at the w3c workshop being held in October, please let me know
and I will try to arrange for some teleconferences to draft
a position to submit. 

Overall, I think that the workshop might result in an initiative
creating new ways to repackage information items in CPPs and CPAs
in new element tags and attribute labels. If that were
done, would anything in CPP and CPA (necessarily) be lost?
Is there an idea of the components or constituents of a collaboration
protocol that might be lost if it were replaced by a set of assertions about
capabilities and constraints? 

I am sure there are many other questions and issues to raise. I invite
TC members to add topics for discussion. Potential requirements for
any new group might also be appropriate.

My understanding is that a workshop is a preliminary discussion
forum that may determine that the w3c wants to undertake some
standardization in the area.

The attachment contains XHTML for the announcement corresponding to the text
I pasted in below.

Dale Moberg


W3C is holding a workshop on Constraints and Capabilities for Web

  When:  12-13 Oct 2004
  Where: The Oracle Conference Center at Oracle Headquarters
         (Redwood Shores, California, USA)

Other details about the workshop are available at:


The event is being organized by the W3C Architecture Domain. The
workshop will be chaired by by Mark Nottingham
<mark.nottingham@bea.com> and Philippe Le Hégaret <plh@w3.org>.
Philippe is the W3C Contact for this workshop; please direct any
questions you have to him.

Important Information

Other important dates and deadlines for this workshop are:

     27 Aug: Position papers due
     24 Sep: Final agenda available
      1 Oct: Registration closes

Please note that:

  - There will be a limit of 60 participants.
  - Attendance is open to everyone, including non-W3C members,
    but each organization or individual wishing to participate
    must submit a position paper.
  - To ensure maximum diversity among participants, only two
    participants may attend per organization.
  - There is no registration fee.


Because of the breadth of this topic, there are many potential
interactions with existing efforts, including (but not limited

 * WSDL extensibility / features and properties
 * WS-Policy Framework and Attachment specifications
 * SOAP's abstract model, SOAP modules, features and properties
 * The Semantic Web; e.g., OWL-S, Rei, Ontologies for Web services
 * Rule languages; e.g., RuleML
 * Web Content Negotiation and Composite Capabilities/Preference 
   Profile (CC/PP)
 * Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) and EPAL
 * HTTP headers and other Web-based policies; e.g., robots.txt, 
   WebDAV properties
 * XACML, including WSPL
 * The IETF Policy Framework
 * The boundary and interactions between policy, service level
   agreements, and business level agreements in web services.

Discussion of the relationship of these areas to the Workshop
topic is encouraged.

We are looking forward to your participation and 
contributions to this workshop.

For Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C Architecture Domain Leader;
Ian Jacobs, Acting W3C Head of Communications
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
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<title>Call for Participation: W3C Workshop on Constraints and 	Capabilities for Web Services from Philippe Le Hegaret on 2004-07-01 (www-ws@w3.org from July 2004)</title>
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<meta name="Subject" content="Call for Participation: W3C Workshop on Constraints and 	Capabilities for Web Services" />
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<h1>Call for Participation: W3C Workshop on Constraints and 	Capabilities for Web Services</h1>
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<dfn>From</dfn>: Philippe Le Hegaret &lt;<a href="mailto:plh&#64;w3.org?Subject=Re:%20Call%20for%20Participation:%20W3C%20Workshop%20on%20Constraints%20and%20	Capabilities%20for%20Web%20Services&amp;In-Reply-To=&lt;1088695254.27291.64.camel&#64;chacal&gt;&amp;References=&lt;1088695254.27291.64.camel&#64;chacal&gt;">plh@w3.org</a>&gt;
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<span id="date"><dfn>Date</dfn>: Thu, 01 Jul 2004 11:20:54 -0400</span><br />
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W3C is holding a workshop on Constraints and Capabilities for Web

  When:  12-13 Oct 2004
  Where: The Oracle Conference Center at Oracle Headquarters
         (Redwood Shores, California, USA)

Other details about the workshop are available at:

     <a href="http://www.w3.org/2004/06/ws-cc-cfp.html";>http://www.w3.org/2004/06/ws-cc-cfp.html</a>

The event is being organized by the W3C Architecture Domain. The
workshop will be chaired by by Mark Nottingham
&lt;<a href="mailto:mark.nottingham&#64;bea.com?Subject=Re:%20Call%20for%20Participation:%20W3C%20Workshop%20on%20Constraints%20and%20	Capabilities%20for%20Web%20Services&amp;In-Reply-To=&lt;1088695254.27291.64.camel&#64;chacal&gt;&amp;References=&lt;1088695254.27291.64.camel&#64;chacal&gt;">mark.nottingham@bea.com</a>&gt; and Philippe Le Hégaret &lt;<a href="mailto:plh&#64;w3.org?Subject=Re:%20Call%20for%20Participation:%20W3C%20Workshop%20on%20Constraints%20and%20	Capabilities%20for%20Web%20Services&amp;In-Reply-To=&lt;1088695254.27291.64.camel&#64;chacal&gt;&amp;References=&lt;1088695254.27291.64.camel&#64;chacal&gt;">plh@w3.org</a>&gt;.
Philippe is the W3C Contact for this workshop; please direct any
questions you have to him.

Important Information

Other important dates and deadlines for this workshop are:

     27 Aug: Position papers due
     24 Sep: Final agenda available
      1 Oct: Registration closes

Please note that:

  - There will be a limit of 60 participants.
  - Attendance is open to everyone, including non-W3C members,
    but each organization or individual wishing to participate
    must submit a position paper.
  - To ensure maximum diversity among participants, only two
    participants may attend per organization.
  - There is no registration fee.


Because of the breadth of this topic, there are many potential
interactions with existing efforts, including (but not limited

 * WSDL extensibility / features and properties
 * WS-Policy Framework and Attachment specifications
 * SOAP's abstract model, SOAP modules, features and properties
 * The Semantic Web; e.g., OWL-S, Rei, Ontologies for Web services
 * Rule languages; e.g., RuleML
 * Web Content Negotiation and Composite Capabilities/Preference 
   Profile (CC/PP)
 * Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) and EPAL
 * HTTP headers and other Web-based policies; e.g., robots.txt, 
   WebDAV properties
 * XACML, including WSPL
 * The IETF Policy Framework
 * The boundary and interactions between policy, service level
   agreements, and business level agreements in web services.

Discussion of the relationship of these areas to the Workshop
topic is encouraged.

We are looking forward to your participation and 
contributions to this workshop.

For Philippe Le Hégaret, W3C Architecture Domain Leader;
Ian Jacobs, Acting W3C Head of Communications
<span id="received"><dfn>Received on</dfn> Thursday,  1 July 2004 11:21:06 EDT</span>
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