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Subject: Re: [ebxml-cppa] CPP and CPA MIME (or media) type.

Dale Moberg wrote:

>As mentioned on the Sep 10 Teleconference, an IETF draft specifying a
>simple request-response EDIINT certificate exchange protocol has
>recently been written and should appear before too long to permit the
>EDIINT IETF group to review and comment. 
>That internet-draft has a provision for a profile to be sent along with
>the request for activation of certificates by a potential trading
>partner. One candidate for such a profile would be ebXML CPPA 2.1 with
>its provision for alternative messaging "bindings".
>It is possible to just send out a CPP profile or template in a MIME
>bodypart (part of a multipart/related package). That part could have a
>content-type of "application/xml". However, when sending CPPs or CPAs,
>we could define a more specialized MIME type to indicate more
>specifically what kind of application this xml is for. There is a RFC
>that suggests appending "+xml" to types; for example, we might have
>"application/ebXML-CPPA+xml" as a MIME type. There is some overhead in
>getting a MIME type, and an application process. I believe since CPPA is
>both an ISO std and an OASIS std, we should be able to meet the
>application requirements for a "media type".
>I would like to get your reactions to this proposal in next week's
>teleconference before we get into the session on Kartha's review of
>issues and solutions for finalizing the Negotiation draft.
>Dale Moberg 
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Dale, there would seems to be worthwhile. Would there be several 
variations of MIME type for ebXML-CPPA and the undelrying message 
bindings? Thanks.

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