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Subject: Status and Issues on PMode changes for ebMS v 3 support in CPPA



Here are some issues to consider for extensions identified as needed for ebMS v 3 support in CPPA. I will discuss these in three broad topic groupings:


1. Adding username and password support

2. Adding a new DocExchange module

3. Adding transport support for “pull” mode using HTTP.




1. Username and Password Tokens


The AccessAuthentication element has the simpleType of an enumeration with values “digest” and “basic”  It is a problem using XSD to alter such an element to allow substitutions with a complexContent model, as has been noted during extensibility discussions previously. It is probably better to simply add a new element within the DocExchange module for ebMS 3, and the proposed element will be AccessToken, with the type defined below


<xsd:complexType name="AccessTokenType">


                                    <xsd:documentation>An AccessToken is a username and password. The type is declared so

                                                that validity can be checked when the information is present either as an encrypted

                                                element or as a decrypted content.</xsd:documentation>



                                    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:anyType">



                                                                        <xsd:element name="username" type="tns:non-empty-string"/>

                                                                        <xsd:element name="password" type="tns:non-empty-string"/>

                                                                        <xsd:element name="nonce" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" default="false"/>

                                                                        <xsd:element name="digest" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0" default="false"/>

                                                                        <xsd:element name="createdTimestamp" type="xsd:boolean" minOccurs="0"




                                                                        <xsd:element ref="xenc:EncryptedData"/>








2. DocExchangeModule element named “SenderProcessingMode” or “ReceiverProcessingMode” of type ProcessingModeType


Here are some candidates for the content model. Some of these such as MPC may move to Transport area. Some of these in the Notify Consumer/Producer family may be omitted as out of scope (so far, just optional). I next am going to check on the alignment of remaining information items with parts of the existing CPPA fields and write out XPath expressions for the technical mapping to CPPA v 3.0. The Payload Profile properties appear to be covered by information items already in Packaging content model. Possibly the multiplicity relations are not suitable, though it would be possible to make it work. Legacy puts Packaging high in the CollaborationRole


            <xsd:complexType name="ProcessingModeType">


                                    <xsd:extension base="tns:DocExchangeModuleBaseType">


                                                            <xsd:element ref="tns:AccessToken" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

                                                            <xsd:element name="MEP"/>

                                                            <xsd:element name="MEPBinding"/>

                                                            <xsd:element name="SOAPVersion"/>

                                                            <xsd:element name="MPC"/>

                                                              <!—name, description, type, expected -->

                                                            <xsd:element name="ExtensionProperty" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"



                                                <xsd:attribute name="conformanceLevel" type="tns:non-empty-string" use=”required”/>

                                                <xsd:attribute name="deliveryErrorNotifyConsumer" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/>

                                                <xsd:attribute name="processErrorNotifyConsumer" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/>

                                                <xsd:attribute name="processErrorNotifyProducer" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"/>





3. An example of Pull Mode CPP or CPA template using CPPA v 3.0 will probably be sent out by the middle of next week.



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