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ebxml-iic-conform message

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Subject: [ebxml-iic-conform] test scripting material

Title: test scripting material


I am currently reviewing the Test Framework draft we have:

We need to insert the specification of the scripting that you have used in
the abstract MS test suite.
A good starting point would be to comment with enough detail each column of your
test suite table. Can you initiate this?  then we can work on it to finalize this material,
as it will be used by other test suites. (we need to desccribe the message material,
and how used to build messages).

As a de-facto editor of the Test Framework doc, I can insert and format in the current draft, and post the
new update of this draft to the list.

Regarding the MS conf suite, Other material we need to describe:
- the "parameter" list (don't see it anymore at the beginning?)
- CPA data sets used and CPAId



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