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ebxml-iic-interop message

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Subject: [ebxml-iic-interop] Candidate format for abstract tests derived fromconformance requirements

Jacques and all,

    I am working on generating an abstract test suite based on the approved 
conformance requirements for
ebXML MS v2.0
    I base much of it on Jacques format defining steps, services, actions, 
templates as defined in the
Conformance Test Suite document.   In addition, I am trying to "formalize" 
it more using a tabular format,
and actually using XPath syntax to describe the boolean operations for 
evaluating test step pass/fail conditions.
    I've attached a sample of my work so far, and would appreciate any 
feedback on this format.  I plan to have
this completed prior to the F2F next week, as I think that it would be a 
good talking point for the discussion
of  test harness design and capabilities.


Attachment: ebxml_ms_20_abstract_tests.doc
Description: MS-Word document

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