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Subject: Re: [ebxml-iic] Face-to-face follow-up

Hi All,

Attached are the test cases that we decided on Friday.  As a note to those who did not attend, the team felt the that have a pretty good cut of the basic profile and that the reliable messaging profile may need more work in terms of test cases.


Jacques Durand wrote:



Thanks for your participation in this week face-to-face,
(even if it was virtual, by call-in...)
We definitely made good progress in identifying/addressing several sticky issues,
that were still lingering. I feel we are getting close to completion, and
was quite encouraged by the review of the 70+ conformance test cases definitions.

Nevertheless, the next OASIS submission deadline(September 1) is too short
(1) we won't get feedback in time from the MS TC on the 216 test requirements
we submitted to them,
(2) there is still significant editorial work to do,
(3) plus an internal IIC review.
(4) I also would like to get feedback from UCC/DGI as well as ECOM on our
interoperability test suite before we submit to OASIS.

We will stage intermediate deliverables until September 30, which should be the date
we can publish the test suites on our site.

A few more things:

1. No call this Monday. Next call scheduled for Tuesday Sept 3rd, 10 am.
Anyone hosting the call?

2. Because we are close to delivering, we should consider a weekly call
(instead of bi-weekly) until we submit for review.
Would every Monday 10am be a good time?

3. Follows a list of action items we agreed on. We expect significant progress
on these by next conf call. NOTE: names associated are those who commit closure
on this item, does not mean that others can't contribute...




1. [Jacques, Jeff T., Matt]: Need to finalize the interoperability test harness,
in particular the way Test Cases are driven from application level (e.g. for
interoperability tests).

2. [Matt]: review, refine (and rename?) the definition of the -minimal- set of actions of
the Test Service. Under question: the need for "Mute" action? "configurator" action?
Capture of errors.  The effect of invoking these actions need be communicated
in some way (e.g. response message, notification) to the Test Driver which should
track each test step.

3. [Mike, Jacques]: Test Case script material (table format, test steps, etc.)
to be further improved, before expanding to more test cases, based on comments
at f-2-f.

4. [Matt, Hatem]: Specification and format of a subset of CPA elements
needed for MS test cases.

5. [Jeff Turpin]: Review of current message template material (see draft test suites),
definition of templates and parameterization mechanism, how to build the entire
MIME envelope (e.g. predefined envelope templates? XPath-based manipulations?)

6. [Steve]: Interoperability Test Cases we went through (currently in profiles #1 and #2),
to be described in a more precise way (CPA data needed,
message material, test steps, invoked action in test Service,
success and failure condition).

7. [Hatem, Jacques]: Review of UCC/DGI test suite,
mapping to the IIC interoperability test suite.

NOTE: This list of items does not include yet the final completion of the detailed content
of all Test Cases for both the conformance suite and the interoperability test suite.
- The above Items, in particular #3, #4, #5 are a pre-requisite for this completion.
- COmpletion of interoperability test suite (especially its packaging in profile(s))
may also be influenced by #7.

Steve Yung, steven.yung@sun.com
Market Development Manager
Web Services/XML Development
Sun Microsystems
Phone: +1-650-786-8469
Fax: +1-650-786-3674

Attachment: ebXML_MS_Interop_Req_Aug25.xls
Description: application/msexcel

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