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ebxml-iic message

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Subject: [ebxml-iic] Monday 20th call

Title: Monday 20th call


Next meeting call info:

Host: GXS (Jeff Eck)
Time: Monday Jan 20th at 10:00AM PT (1:00PM ET)
Dial 1-877-434-7266 or 1-301-340-5190
Meeting ID# 32965 (ebXML)


1. Test Framework spec (Mike, Matt, Jacques)
- status.
- vote whether it is ready for TC review cycle.

2. MS Interop spec: status of current draft:(Steve Yung, Mike)
- status.
- vote whether it is ready for TC review cycle.
3. MS Deployment templates (Pete, Thomas)
- template status: is it ready for formal review? if yes, vote it.
- status of UCC-EAN template instance: ready to vote it for TC review?

4. [if time allows] External initiatives (Monica).
Although we focus now on deliverables, need to stay informed and prepared about:
- JMT actions,
- OAG testbed initiative.
- eBES,
- other?



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