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Subject: Next call Monday 31 and more

Title: Next call Monday 31 and more


1. Notice for Monday call, below.

2. Note that Serm (NIST) asks if we can move the call 1 hour later, to 11am PT. Anyone has a problem with this?

3. Attached minutes of previous call.

4. Please note that our Web page is still in limbo, as a result of general restructuring of OASIS site.
As a result, the latest material on specs is only visible thru our mail lists.
Please make sure to post your latest updates to appropriate sub lists (we still have a tendency to post only to persons
who actively work on the specs - others have a right to follow as well !)




Host: Fujitsu
Time: March 31 Monday, 10am PT
Toll free: 1-877-801-2058
Intl Number:1-712-257-6652
Passcode: 309951


1. Status of the MS Basic Interoperability test suite (Mike. Monica, Steve Yung).
- Editorial updates.
- section on CPA data: status.
- ready for review before vote?

2. TestFramework, and implementation work (Mike Kass, Tim Sakach):
- final compliance of the doc to TC spec template.
- Implementations under way (Tim Sakach / Drake Certivo)
- Proposed extensions for next version, supporting process testing (Mike).

3. EAN Instance of Deployment Template, (Pete Wenzel / Thomas B.).
- in sync with Depl Template? (to vote next).

4. Other
- can we move the meeting 1 h later? to 11amPT (Serm K., from NIST, asks)
- Next OAG meeting
- development initiatives (FreebXML, Matt)
- a proposal from OASIS Europe (Pim V.d.E.), on eMarketplace Interconnectivity,
possible cooperation with IIC.

Minutes of IIC March 24, 2003
Call info:

Host: GXS
Call 1.877.434.7266 or 301.340.5190 
Meeting ID# 32965 (ebXML) 
Date/Time: Monday 3/24 10:00AM PT (1:00PM ET)

Minute taker: Jacques Durand


Mike Kass (NIST)
Jaques Durand (Fujitsu)
Monica Martin (Sun)
Jeff Eck (GXS)

Several members asked be excused (travel & conflicts):

Steve Yung (Sun)
Aaron Gomez (DGI)
Hatem ElSebaaly (IPNetSolution)
Matthew MacKenzie (XMLG)
Pete Wenzel (SeeBeyond)
Thomas Bikeev (EAN)
Tim Sakach (Drake Certivo)


1. Status of the MS Basic Interoperability test suite ( Steve Yung). 
- Final updates after f-2-f.
- section on CPA data: status.
- ready for review before vote? 

2. COmments/Review on TestFramework, and implementation work (Mike Kass, Tim Sakach): 
- Implementation under way (Tim Sakach / Drake Certivo)
- Proposed extensions for next version (Mike).
- development initiatives (FreebXML, Matt)

3. EAN Instance of Deployment Template, (Pete Wenzel / Thomas B.).
- in sync with Depl Template? (to vote next).

4. Other initiatives
- a proposal from OASIS Europe (Pim), on creating an industry / deployment forum,
possible cooperation with IIC.


1. Status of the MS Basic Interoperability test suite 

- Spec has been updated last by Steve + Jacques. 
Remains: the CPA "tables" for test cases. Mike and Monica will help on these,
as Steve not available this week. We should get a set of CPA values for BIP
by end of week. No formal CPA needed, ref to one is OK.
- Mike mentioned some corresponding config data may need be specified for Test Driver,
as part of the "Configuration Group" for the test suite.

2. Test Framework spec (Mike) 

- Mike: latest editorial updates done, following Serm remarks.
- Remaining editorial work: footers need change.
- Jacques will ask Jamie Clark for conformance to final TC spec guidelines/template
- Drake Certivo currently in the process of implementing the test driver.

3. EAN instance of Depl. Template:

- Pete will finish-up the adaptation of the EAN instance to latest depl template as voted, 
to be voted as a TC spec, as an instance of Template.

4. External, other initiatives 

- Pim V.d.E (OASIS Europe) is discussing possible creation of 
"E-MarketPlace Interconnectivity" TC. We are consulted for advice on how
that should be positioned with IIC.
- Monica: there is interest in veritcal industries, in crafting other Interop
profiles ("Accordare" plans a profile involving COM objects, .NET + ebXML)

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