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Subject: Forgot to send minutes...

Title: next meeting , NOTE CHANGED HOUR: new time: Monday 2pm PT
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Durand [mailto:JDurand@fsw.fujitsu.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:46 PM
To: ebXML IIC - main list (E-mail) (E-mail)
Subject: [ebxml-iic] next meeting , NOTE CHANGED HOUR: new time: Monday 2pm PT


please note different hour:

Time: Monday October 27, 2pm PT
Host: Fujitsu
Toll Free - : 1-800-251-6413
Toll - : 1-913-905-1400
Participant code: 598136


1. MS conformance test suite package.
- Final status of non-normative part, posting.

2. Test Framework: (Mike Kass)
- status of updates in progress
- discuss each major update group.
- backward compatibility aspects.

3. XML 2003 Dec 7: demos (Monica)
- review demo scenarios of IIC-related demo candidates (NCA, DCertivo)
- logistics, other ebXML participants.

4. Other ebXML work:
- Status on conformance test suites for BPSS / RR,
- new JC: compatibility matrix for versions of various ebXML components.


IIC Conference Call Minutes: 
Monday, October 20, 2003

Pete Wenzel (SeeBeyond)
Serm Kulvatunyou (NIST)
Mike Kass (NIST)
Jacques Durand (Fujitsu)
Jin Hwa (NCA/Korea)


Monica Martin (Sun)
Steve Yung (Sun)
Tim Sakach (DrakeCertivo)

Minutes taker: Jacques Durand

Time: Monday October 20, 11am PT
Host: Fujitsu 
Toll Free - : 1-800-251-6413 
Toll - : 1-913-905-1400 
Participant code: 598136 


1. MS conformance test suite package to be posted. 
- Status, side material update. 

2. Test Framework: (Mike Kass) 
- status of updates in progress 
- discuss some proposed updates 
- backward compatibility, which options. 

3. XML 2003 Dec 7: demos (Monica) 
- review demo scenarios of IIC-related demo candidates 
- other participants, eBES demo at XML 2003, 7-12 December 

4. Other ebXML work: 
- new JC: compatibility matrix for versions of various ebXML components. 
- Global interop testing. 
- Status on conformance test suites for BPSS / RR: 


0. Time of future calls:

- in order to accommodate Korea and more generally Asia, while
keeping East coast people happy, agreement to move the call to 2pm PT (5pm ET
and 7am Korea time, after the move back to winter hour this week end...)

1. MS conformance test suite package 

- Jacques: A couple of changes need be done on the overall test suite package
("non normative" material): V0.8 should be V1.0 for executable test suite,
and all the message payload material in 2.5, is not really referenced anywhere.
- Mike completed a README file. Here also, ref to message material should
avoid term "normative" - rather conforming to test framework if the case.
- Once this fixed, we'll post final test suite package on our site.

2. Test Framework

- Mike: list of updates is growing. Proposal to have config group as name/values pairs
(less ebXML centric)
- adding template docs, to be modified by test cases with XSLTs.
- Jacques: we should try to categorize the upgrades, group them by area, that the
team will discuss/approve individually, before voting the final upgrade. We may
want to prioritize and do only the most urgent:
(1) Config group upgrade (name/val pairs).
(2) Envelope scheme upgrade (template docs - for both header/payloads, modification scripts 
for mutating, more flexible schema.)
(3) COntrol flow upgrade. (better branching/looping, user variables).
(4) Notification upgrade (mechanism to application (errorAppNotify))
(5) Test requirement/case schema upgrade : (allow some pre-requisite rel between test reqs,
and also test cases.)
- Framework should allow payload manipulation.
- Use of schematron? Serm: schematron to be submitted to ISO. 
- Agreement that only references to well established standard such as XSLT can be made
in T.Framework (e.g. normative scripting), but TFramework should not mandate
use of more specific and specialized scripting like Schematron. However, new Framework
should be sufficiently open to allow for such plug-ins, and to execute test suites
that use them. So the test case scripting should also be open to external languages.

3. XML 2003 Dec 7: demos (Monica) 

- Jin Hwa sent out a scenario for partial ebMS conformance test suite exectuted over 
Test Framework V1.0. Has also a RegRep test suite, although here we would need
to use a full, proven RegRep implementation (SourceForge/Univ HongKong? YellowDragon?). 
NCA can do both demos, but likely only one can be scheduled (~10mn).
- We'd like to see also DrakeCertivo implementation demoed, 
Tim to send us some possible scenario. 
- NIST may be ready too but just in time.

4. Other ebXML work:

- No time to address these.

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