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Subject: Fw: some comments to the testbed

Jacques and Mike,
Could you help commented on these.
- serm
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 08, 2003 11:14 PM
Subject: RE: some comments to the testbed

Dr. Serm.


You may have wrong URL.


Check please.

1.       TSS : http://msi.postech.ac.kr/korbit (or http://www.korbit.org )

2.       INNO MSH: http://pado.innodigital.co.kr:17777/ebms/admin/UI

3.       KTnet MSH :


Sorry. I am busy for my course work. So I will send my concrete answers and comments to you later. In the first place, I wrote simple comments bellow.


In the IIC testbed framework,

1.      There is a need for the standard API between the test service and the MSH. It is hard to make the generic test service for too many MSHs.


<serm> I totally understand this. I think IIC should make standard API definitions available which sufficiently address its requirements. </serm>


2.      In the service mode (interoperability testing), there is a need for the API between the test service and the test driver. The common MSH doesn¡¯t the fully ebXML message to the back application (Test Service), so the test service doesn¡¯t send the fully information for the testing validation to the test driver.


<serm> In your statement "......., so the test service doesn't send full info for testing validation to the test driver", do you mean without direct connection b/w the test drive and the test service, the test service cannot send full information for testing validation to the test driver? Could you describe to me (in a good detail I am not an MSH expert) an example of such situation. Or you just mean that the IIC needs to define standard interface b/w the Test Driver and Test Service?


<woo> In our testbed, all validation are performed at the Test Driver. So, the test service must send received massage info.(Header Info and Payload) to the test driver to validate test case. But any MSH sends only the payload except for the Header info. In this case, the least requirements of information are defined. If any MSH cannot satisfy the requirements of the specific test case, the MSH cannot perform this test case. Also, this information is sent to the test driver through stated protocol layer and message schema because of the test driver remote from the test service.



3.      In the connection mode (Conformance testing), there is a need for the function of service mode like an independent communication channel. We must guarantee the test service normally performs at the failed testing.


<serm> I agree with this and I think I could think of example cases, but I would like to hear from you the experience of example cases to indicate why this is important. I proposed this to the IIC before but they didn't like that b/c they said that it necessitated another communication channel which may not be available from the organization's firewall perspective. With more examples, I can make the case stronger. I also think when organization is doing test, they should be able to open more ports.

     For the your comment in #2 and #3, I had earlier proposed to the IIC to define a standard web service interfaces for use in both service and connection modes. Again help me with examples.


<woo> This needs some time. Wait plz. I am thinking about this. </woo>


In the test suite schema,

1.      In the test suite, instance values (like endpoint) and general values and descriptions (like test step) are mixed. The instance value must be separated from the test suite schema.


<serm>Please provide me with example. I donot quite understand here.</serm>

<Woo>Sorry. This was wrong indication. All instance values can be presented by X-Path. </Woo>


2.      There is a need for the test step number or ID.


<serm>Okay. Can you generate ones during the run time? Or it needs static reference? </serm>

<Woo>No. we do not generate the number of test step. See the IIC framework documents (07 March,2003), at the line 1220, ¡®testStepContext¡¯ needs the step number.



3.      There is a need for the definite operation of test step. Except the GET and PUT message any other operation is not exist in the current test suite schema.

<serm> You can propose other operations that you think are important and provide example use cases.</serm>

<woo> For the reliable messaging, ¡®BLOCKING message¡¯ and ¡®RELEASE message¡¯ must be definite. </woo>


4.      The interoperability test suite needs to be reconsidered. The current schema is same as the conformance test suite. But in practically, the test step and assertion are difference between the conformance and Interoperability.


<serm> This is not obvious to me as I am not familiar with ebMS test suite. Could you give me example cases so that I can forwarded it to Mike Kass. </serm>

<woo> This needs some time. Wait plz. I am thinking about this. </woo>


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