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Subject: RE: [ebxml-iic] Next call, minutes for today

Title: Message
great here is the plan. I will give some ideas about what we should do. hope to get some response back. then we are going to develop a strawman (strawwoman for Monica) about some ideas on how do to the procedures on global interoperability. hope things are going well with you. list looks busy.... rik
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Durand [mailto:JDurand@fsw.fujitsu.com]
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 3:33 PM
To: 'Rik Drummond'; Jacques Durand; 'ebXML IIC - main list (E-mail) (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: [ebxml-iic] Next call, minutes for today

We'll watch the NIST list for your input.
We do not pretend addressing all issues for global testing, but within the IIC scope, we'll narrow first on
how much can be automated, especially for the conformance part, which should in turn contribute to making
global interop tseting easier. That is what the proposal we'll send to ETSI will focus on.
-----Original Message-----
From: Rik Drummond [mailto:rvd2@drummondgroup.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2004 7:52 AM
To: 'Jacques Durand'; 'ebXML IIC - main list (E-mail) (E-mail)'
Subject: RE: [ebxml-iic] Next call, minutes for today

I see the Test Framework as one, or maybe the major tool, for supporting global interoperability testing. however, after reading the discussions on this list
i don't see we are solving the problem which is " how do we do testing in a manner such that the vendors do not have to test their products more than once for world wide distribution?"
these discussion are not addressing the procedures for doing this and the etsi event is one more of many events across the world.
how do we address these things? I will do it on the nist list.. ok with you guys?.... rik
2. Applying the Test Framework, interop tests:
- ETSI (see www.etsi.org) is organizing an ebMS testing event in Europe,
showing interoperability between vendors products.
The event is not just a marketing demo: the demo must be significant
in terms of interoperability of products, and preceded by some formal testing
on site. (yet not pretending to cover as much as other certification programs)
IIC is invited to submit a proposal, by ~ January 16.
Jacques will draft it, co-authors welcome.
- Could this proposal also support the notion of "global interop testing"
that ebXML Asia would like to promote?
- We need to know what would be available in terms of Test Framework support:
any Test Framework "freeware" that our members could provide to support this event?
That could be seen also as beta-testing of Test Framework products.
Minimum support to Test Framework users expected (e.g. how to interface an MSH
with the test framework).
- OASIS (and Jacques) proposed tentatively mid-April for this event, so it could be followed
by a demo at XML Europe (Apr 18-21). That is a tight schedule.
- will publish next ETSI call info on our list (to occur ~ January 21).
-----Original Message-----
From: Jacques Durand [mailto:JDurand@fsw.fujitsu.com]
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2004 8:27 PM
To: ebXML IIC - main list (E-mail) (E-mail)
Subject: [ebxml-iic] Next call, minutes for today


Apologies for the lack of notice about the call today: my notice email
apparently did not get through last Friday (sent from a wireless PDA, I may have turned-off
the thing too quickly...)

So the call today does not count as a formal meeting.

Here are the minutes attached.

Next call will be:

Time: Monday January 12, 2004, 2pm PT
Host: Fujitsu
Toll - :  1-512-225-3050
Participant code: 89772



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