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Subject: [ebxml-jc] FW: [CEFACT-EWG:75] UN/CEFACT's organizational changes

Here is the e-mail from Ray Walker forwarded by Sally.

-----Original Message-----
From: Fuger, Sally [mailto:sfuger@aiag.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 10:31 AM
To: ebxml-jc@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject: FW: [CEFACT-EWG:75] UN/CEFACT's organisational changes

Here is the update on UN/CEFACT Forum I promised you. I'm also attaching the
AIAG position paper on XML.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ray Walker [mailto:raywalker@attglobal.net]
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 10:50 AM
To: UNECE EDIFACT Working Group general
Subject: [CEFACT-EWG:75] UN/CEFACT's organisational changes

Dear Colleague,

I'm very pleased to inform you that yesterday afternoon the Plenary APPROVED
our new organisation, and  we are now in the migration stage. That migration
stage will finish at the meeting of the first UN/CEFACT Forum, which is
being held in the week beginning 9 September 2002 in Geneva.

 In approving the new organisation, the Plenary amended  document
TRADE/UNCEFACT/ 2002/2008 (the input document to the Plenary) and the
attached PPT shows exactly where that document was revised.  You are free to
distribute this PPT, and a new document, 2008/Rev. 1.,  will be  officially
within a few working days and which will also be circulated to you.

I should like to thank all those who contributed  constructive comments to
the review process, and I very pleased that we can now  move forward from
the focus on organisational change and get back to real work!

Finally apologies to colleagues, who because they are a number of lists,
receive the  PPT a number of times.
Ray Walker, Chairman UN/CEFACT Steering Group
<raywalker@attglobal.net>  WWW.uncefact.org
Mobile: +44 78666 86185; London: Voice: + 44 208 297 1836 Fax: + 44 208  297
Brussels: Voice & Fax: + 32 2 660 2039

Attachment: CEFPlen02ORGagreedrevs.ppt
Description: MS-Powerpoint presentation

Attachment: XML EDI Recommendations.pdf
Description: Binary data

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