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Subject: [ebxml-jc] Reminder concerning OASIS ebXML JC July 17 Teleconferenceat 9 PDT;12 EDT

REMINDER please call in Wednesday July 17.

This is to remind you about the
ebXML JC meeting for July 17, 2002.

Please reserve 9 AM PDT for the call.

866 257 0472
720 587 0509 (international)

One (big) item for the agenda is how the maintenance of ebXML
infrastructure standards (Messaging, CPA, Registry) will be done.
I hope this issue can be explored before scope and renewal votes
for ebXML TCs have to be completed.

I did not receive any additional items from TC chairs
or other JC members. We should talk about how our
entries to the compatibility matrix of JCC is
to be submitted and validated.

One additional item has come up also. This pertains
to the mythical BSI/MSI interface, and one approach to
standardizing that interface. I will report on some
directions involving UCC & OAG. Synchronizing  with both ebTWG
BPSS, UN/CEFACT JCC, possibly OASIS UBL, and some
other groups (OAG's OAGIS and UCC) needs to be discussed.
This could fill an important gap that currently forces an
additional integration expense on the ebXML user communities.

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