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Subject: Clark 2/23/2005: ebXML Spec External Messaging

Today, at JC call, Jamie, we discussed the need for salient summaries 
for use for external messaging (topic you raised at 9 Feb meeting).  
Here is a starting summary I distributed to and discussed with the 
(members present) JC team today.  What this doesn't include is:

    * Pending: Further JC or TC input
    * Question: Inclusion of ebSOA (do we go there too for architecture)
    * Question: Inclusion of CC (do we go there for CEFACT)
    * Question: Adoption indicators (may be another external messaging

Please let me know your druthers and how to proceed. Thanks.
Summary of specification progress within OASIS:

    * ebMS: v3.0
          o v3.0 draft in work. F2F held in January 2005, however
            progress has been slower than anticipated with a small group.
          o Although progress has been slow, key changes are in work
            such as integration with WS-Reliability, payload services,
            security improvements, WS-I BP conformance, at a minimum.
          o Working document reference:
            (February 2005)
          o Status: May meet at OASIS symposium. No projected date for
            v3.0 Committee Draft status.
    * ebReg/Rep v3.0
          o v3.0 RIM and RS achieved Committee Draft in February 2005.
            Public review has begun towards OASIS standard. Review
            notice: Public review continues to 14 March 2005.
            Significant improvements have been made including SAML
            support, WS-I BP compliance, event notification, content
            management capabilities, etc.
          o Specification references:
          o FAQ summary: http://www.ebxml.org/ebusinessxmlregistry.pdf
          o Capabilities summary update:
            http://xml.coverpages.org/ni2005-02-14-a.html (from Cover Pages)
    * ebCPPA v2.1
          o Errata v2.1 distributed in draft form in early February
            2005. Work continues slowly on negotiation and alignment
            with ebMS and ebBP specification development in the areas of
            role bindings, transactions, etc.
          o Progress has been made in abstracting some of the ebCPPA
            concepts to enable effective use of many underlying
            protocols such as those for web services, AS2, etc.
          o Errata v2.1 reference:
    * ebBP: v2.0
          o v2.0 working draft is entering formal TC review starting
            today, 23 February 2005. Package includes schema, XSLT
            example transform for v1.01=>2.0 migration, signals schema
            and example, comments and work item list, glossary.
          o Many improvements have been made in state transitions,
            composability (ComplexBTA and OperationMapping), role
            binding and monitoring constructs. In addition, the BT
            patterns have been concretized and extensible patterns
            developed to enable the user community. 
          o Working package was uploaded (and then revised) 22 February
            2005. A pre-notification has been developed for key user
            communities to solicit early comments and investment. This
            will be distributed after the working draft enters the TC
            formal review (internal only) in preparation for Committee
            Draft vote.
          o Specification draft reference:
          o Pre-notification reference:
    * ebXML IIC v1.1
          o In January 2005, the IIC updated its conformance and
            interoperability packages including the IIC framework and
            achieved v1.1 Committee Draft status. This v1.1 update
            provides many improvements, and has also resulted in a
            freely available implementation from NIST. Improvements
            include more comprehensive web services and ebXML testing
            support. The team has also been working with OASIS on
            interoperability planning for expanded activities within
            OASIS standardization development and with a TAB subteam
            that is investigating how to rationalize conformance
            criteria (including informal discussions with W3C).
          o NIST open implementation: http://ebxmltesting.nist.gov/.
            Three implementations have been conducted by NIST, Korbit,
            and Drake Certivo.
          o v1.1 IIC Committee Drafts:

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