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ebxml-jc message

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Subject: FW: ebXML Webinars

Please include an agenda item for a webinar specific for your specs in
your next TC meeting.  Let Dee know if you have any questions.  She and
Carol are anxious to help, and to make the "week of webinars" a success
(see below)!  However, they need to know soon which ebXML TCs are going
to participate so they can start developing PR and publicizing.


Kathryn Breininger
Boeing Library Services
425-965-0182 phone

-----Original Message-----
From: dschur [mailto:dee.schur@oasis-open.org] 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 12:05 PM
To: 'dschur'; Breininger, Kathryn R
Cc: 'Carol Geyer'
Subject: ebXML Webinars

Hi Kathryn,
Thank you for allowing me to attend your JC meeting. Did your TC decide
to make a webinar presentation? Have you received feedback from other TC
chairs regarding interest to participate in the 'week of webinars?'
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you!

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