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Subject: Re: T2: Reliable Messaging (point-to-point)

Sorry for the delayed response. I was tied up the last couple of days attending to some personal matters.
To answer Cait's original question about the Service and Action elements that should be used when a message containing a DeliveryReceipt element is to be sent not in conjunction with any business level reply, the following excerpt from the 1.0 spec clearly states:

If there are no errors in the message received and a DeliveryReceipt is being sent on its own, not as part 848

of message containing payload data, then the Service and Action MUST be set as follows: 849

· the Service element MUST be set to uri:www.ebXML.org/messageService/ 850

· the Action element MUST be set to DeliveryReceipt 851

Unfortunately, the above information is located in section deliveyReceiptRequested attribute, rather than in section 8.14 DeliveryReceipt element.
I believe the spec is currently quite specific about the Service and Action elements to use when Acknowledgement, DeliveryReceipt, Error, StatusRequest, StatusResponse, and Ping elements are sent on their own (not in conjunction with business payloads).
-----Original Message-----
From: Burdett, David <david.burdett@commerceone.com>
To: 'Dr Crawford' <catcraw@us.ibm.com>; ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org <ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:39 PM
Subject: RE: T2: Reliable Messaging (point-to-point)

>I think that this is a bug in the spec.
>To solve this problem I think we should include in every message that is
>sent, an identifier for Service that is sending it. You can then use this
>Service when returning a message if there is no business process specific
>one to use instead. You would then use the Action element to identify why
>the message is being sent.
>If we make this approach the rule for returning errors, for example, then it
>fixes the problem that a MSH does not know which application it should
>notify if the original message was not persisted (which it shouldn't be if
>it was not sent reliably).
>I also think we should follow the same approach for the Message Status and
>Ping transactions for the same reasons.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Dr Crawford [mailto:catcraw@us.ibm.com]
>Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 8:11 AM
>To: ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
>Subject: T2: Reliable Messaging (point-to-point)
>I have a comments/questions regarding POINT-TO-POINT reliable messaging
>implementation for ebXML MS 1.0.
>First, lets assume that Party A is sending a message reliably -- that the
>deliverySemantics have been set to OnceAndOnlyOnce and
>deliveryReceiptRequested to Unsigned (I don't think that Signed/Unsigned
>makes a difference for the example, actually) in the QualityOfService
>element in the MessageHeader.  I am sending this message w/out
>intermediaries, so I am not making use of the Via or Acknowledgment
>elements, although I am populating the TraceHeader element as appropriate.
>Now, Party B receives the message.  Now assume that there is NO REPLY from
>the application.  Party B is required to send an "Acknowledgement Message"
>(section 10.3.2) which at a minimum has a MessageData element with a
>RefToMessageId of the received message.  Since a deliveryReceipt is also
>requested, the MSH must also generate the DeliveryReceipt element in the
>ack message.  My question concerns the service and action elements of this
>ack.  Clearly, as there is no business-level reply, the service and action
>should not reflect any business or application level service & action.  In
>section 10.3.3, the spec says that if an Acknowledgment element is being
>sent on its own then service MUST be set to:
>uri:www.ebxml.org/messageService and action MUST be set to Acknowledgment.
>What is the equivalent service/action for a DeliveryReceipt element being
>sent on its own?? (as set in the MessageHeader element for this ack
>message)??  Is this described in the CPP/BPSS since this is one of the
>"signals" that need to be processed by the MSH-application interface??
>What would happen if the deliveryReceiptRequested was false, but the
>semantics were set to OnceAndOnlyOnce??  The minimal acknowledgement
>required only a RefToMessageId within the MessageData element -- any
>guidelines as to what should be used in the Service and Action elements in
>the MessageHeader?
>In general, I think that the Reliable Messaging section should be expanded
>to include the POINT-TO-POINT option where no Via or Acknowledgment
>elements are used, but deliveryReceiptRequested attributes are turned on.
>(i.e. there is no information about whether the reply is sync or not in the
>message header).
>Your guidance is greatly appreciated.
>Cait Crawford
>B2B Integration
>IBM Research
>Hawthorne, NY
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