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Subject: Re: What was the resolution of the Service and Action issue?

What ever the resolution for 1.1, we need to address this within a BPSS
mapping to the MS.
Clearly from the interest in ebXML I see, not everyone wants to use BPSS,
but wants to use the MS.

[PS: on this issue for V2, I still believe we should have arbitrarily deep
tags to accomodate this
area, and let whatever upper-level environment map as needed.]

Scott Hinkelman, Senior Software Engineer
XML Industry Enablement
IBM e-business Standards Strategy
512-823-8097 (TL 793-8097) (Cell: 512-940-0519)
srh@us.ibm.com, Fax: 512-838-1074

Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM@IBMUS on 08/15/2001 12:15:49 PM

To:   Dan Weinreb <dlw@exceloncorp.com>
cc:   ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org, ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:  Re: What was the resolution of the Service and Action issue?

This has not yet been resolved.  It is an action item for the CPPA team and
should be an action item for the MSG team.  This needs to be worked out
jointly between the two teams.



Martin W. Sachs
IBM T. J. Watson Research Center
P. O. B. 704
Yorktown Hts, NY 10598
914-784-7287;  IBM tie line 863-7287
Notes address:  Martin W Sachs/Watson/IBM
Internet address:  mwsachs @ us.ibm.com

Dan Weinreb <dlw@exceloncorp.com> on 08/15/2001 03:05:55 PM

Please respond to Dan Weinreb <dlw@exceloncorp.com>

To:   ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org
Subject:  What was the resolution of the Service and Action issue?

Was a concensus reached on where the values of the Service and Action
elements should come from?  Reading over the back mail on this, I
didn't see anything that sounded final.

For Action, Marty suggested the name of the BPSS's Business
Transaction, but several other people suggested the name of the BPSS's
BusinessAction (the RequestingBusinessActivity or

For Service, Marty suggested the name of the Binary Collaboration,
but Karsten Riemer said:

   A Business Service is a set of software that can perform a set of
   roles in a set of related binary collaborations. Indirectly this means
that a
   business service (or its associated business service interfaces)
   support for one side of each of the Business Transactions pointed to by
   roles through the business transaction activities.

and I don't see any actual entity type named "Business Service" of
anything like that in BPSS.

Was this ever resolved?


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