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Subject: FYI: [Fwd: FW: OASIS schedule update]


-------- Original Message --------
   From: Tony Weida <TonyW@EDIFECS.COM>
Subject: FW: OASIS schedule update
     To: "CPPA (E-mail)" <ebxml-cppa@lists.oasis-open.org>

 Some of this information is relevant for our committee too.  --  Tony
-----Original Message-----
From: Lisa Carnahan [mailto:lisa.carnahan@nist.gov]
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2001 1:47 PM
To: regrep@lists.oasis-open.org
Cc: karl.best@oasis-open.org
Subject: OASIS schedule update

Hello All,

I spoke with Karl Best this morning regarding the schedule for submitting specs for an OASIS
Membership vote.  What I said yesterday was wrong regarding making a submission at the end of

The Process is as follows: (excerpted from http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/process.shtml .  See
the link for the complete text)
Section 2. Standards Process
...Upon resolution of the TC to move the specification forward, its chair shall submit the following
items to OASIS:
(a) a formal specification that is a valid member of its type;
(b) appropriate documentation for the specification;
(c) a clear English-language summary of the specification;
(d) certification by at least three OASIS member organizations that they are successfully using the
(e) an account of or pointer to votes and comments received in any earlier attempts to standardize
substantially the same specification, together with the originating TC's response to each comment;
f) a pointer to the publicly visible comments archive for the originating TC; and
(g) a statement from the chair of the TC certifying that all members of the TC have been provided
with a copy of the OASIS IPR policy.

Thirty days shall be allowed for administrative processing of a proposed standard.
The proposal shall be submitted to the OASIS membership for review at the beginning of the first
calendar quarter following the 30 days allocated for administrative review.
At the beginning of the next calendar quarter, the proposal shall be submitted to the voting members
of OASIS, who shall have thirty days to return a ballot approving or disapproving the proposal.

What does this mean to us?
1.  Since we won't have something ready to submit to Karl by September1 (thirty days before October
1), we won't have a spec ready for membership review October 1.
2. Our next OASIS deadline is December 1.  If we submit a spec to Karl by December 1, then he will
send it out for review January 1.  The ballot for OASIS Membership vote will then take place April
3. The timeline of number 2 gives us a nice cushion to get a lot public comments before it goes out
for membership review.  According to Karl, the specification that is sent out for review is the
specification that is balloted with no changes allowed in between.

(Karl: please correct me if I'm wrong)

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