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Subject: Re: revised-ebMS V1.01 Editorial changes


Here is some feedback on the V1.01 editorial changes:

- [ebMSREQ] may be an inappropriate reference. The document is not
  among those that came out of the Vienna meeting and is probably out of
  date and not easily accessible.

- Figure 7-1 is still not quite correct. The Header Container arrow should
  point to the rectangle enclosing SOAP-ENV:Header, not to the one
  enclosing SOAP-ENV:Envelope.

- There are minor problems in the signature example on page 60. The
   backward slash towards the end of line 2279 should be a forward
   slash instead. The namespace declaration for the dsig prefix on line
   2282 is unnecessary.

- The eb:version="1.0" setting in the various examples should be updated
   to eb:version="1.1".

- Line 1743 should say "an ErrorList element with the highest severity
  attribute set to Error" to be consistent with line 1748.

- One bullet should be added after line 1756: * a StatusRequest element.

- Replace the schema definition with the attached XSD file content to
  ensure that Appendix A and the separately available XSD file are
  consistent. I have found one problem in the updated XSD I sent you
  earlier: the ackRequested attribute was not declared with the right
  data type. I have also updated the schema locations to point to


-----Original Message-----
From: Colleen Evans <cevans@sonicsoftware.com>
To: ebXML Msg <ebxml-msg@lists.oasis-open.org>
Date: Monday, September 24, 2001 3:41 PM
Subject: revised-ebMS V1.01 Editorial changes

Based on today's TC call, there are a few changes required
to the draft version I sent out earlier (ebMS V1.01 draft 21
Sep 2001).  The attached spec (ebMS V1.01 draft 24 Sep 2001)
includes those modifications. The accompanying issues list
documents what evolved on today's call, resulting in the
changes to the draft spec.  Effected issues are highlighted.

After Thursday's deadline for comment (9/27), I will accept
changes in the document, and add the T1 modifications from
Ralph.  Then we can start the whole process over again next
week at the f2f with the remaining issues.


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